Thanks to my brother, I was able to play God of War 3 and Heavy Rain. I thought GoW3 was really good. It still had the same feel of the previous games, the gameplay was smoother and was more polished. Kratos was still kicking butt and taking names :lol: Some of the battles were amazing, like Posidon and Kronos. However, I think some of them felt a bit out of place. Most of the other battles were open and large feeling. But then during a rather important battle they prevent you from moving anywhere in a Mortal Kombat style of fighting. 0_o just seemed really odd to me. I also thought the story was not as strong as the second one. I did like the new weapons! Especially the Claws of Hades. I used them the most and it was hard to play the first two games again without having the claws :P The puzzles were really good and I think they felt more incorporated into the game and less of a "fight here, puzzle here" type of thing. Overall, I enjoyed it a lot. Although I had some things to complain about, I believe it is the best out of the three games. Score: 9 / 10
Heavy Rain... really the only reason I played it was because I borrowed it. It was not a game I would buy myself. I see the appeal in the game to many players but it just wasnt my thing. That being said though, I was surprised that I was entertained enough to finish the game. It was an interesting and different experience but not something I would pick up and play again. Really I dont have much else to say about it... Score: 7 / 10
I watched a few movies last weekend at the theater: Clash of the Titans and How to Train Your Dragon. Saw both in 3D, my second and third time seeing movies in 3D (first one being Avatar). Unfortunately I dont have anything good to say about Clash of the Titans. I thought the actors were bad and everything else was just boring. Even the CGI failed to "wow" me. Frankly I was glad when it ended.
Now How to Train Your Dragon was awesome! I'm a huge fan of animated/cgi films. Add in dragons and it is just full of win :D It was amazing in 3D, especially when the dragon was flying and fighting. The story was great and I just loved everything about it. Definitely one of my favorite animated movies.