pikastar / Member

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Movies based on Games...and I changed it again

First off, Happy Birthday to my brother! :D

I have yet again changed my banner :roll: Annoying aient it? :lol: Dante being thrown right in the middle of a bunch of Cloud and Tifa pictures, though funny, just wasnt working for me. So I decided less is better, and stuck with Cloud and Tifa. I found the close up picture of Cloud's eyes and then used the Cloud and Tifa picture from my last banner but made it grey tones instead of pink. I used a combination of MS Office Picture Manager for color changes and resizing and MS Paint to combine everything, make the background, and add the text. It looks nicer in the beta GS cause the stupid links dont cover part of it up. Im very pleased with it, though it doesnt compare to the amazing work that artist like Lady_Bahamut, SymonDezyn, and queen_valentine can do :) *bows to their awesomeness*

Now I want to talk about movies based on games. It seems like everytime I turn around lately Im hearing about a new one. First it was Lost Planet, then Spyro, Max Payne, God of War...and now Prince of Persia. Im sure Im forgetting a lot more. Its feels like they are saying "we dont have any idea how to make a good story anymore so lets mooch off of game stories" Now dont get me wrong, I WANT them to be good. But frankly the track record for movies based on games are not good at all.

So I have a few questions for everyone. Is there a movie based on a video game that you like? Do any of the announced upcoming movies from games interest you? What game would you like to be seen made into a movie?