Well I was bored and wanted to be creative so I made a new banner. Dante and Nero of course and the background is Fortuna Castle. Made with Paint and MS Office Picture manager....Im going to be so happy when I finally get Photoshop and figure it out :lol: It should make doing these a whole lot faster and they would look nicer.
Ill keep this one up for a bit but I still like my Cloud and Tifa one :) So Ill probably just rotate them every once and awhile...and maybe make something else too at some point :lol: Also switched my blog header cause I know at least one person who wont like my profile covered in DMC pictures :P Plus I have to have Cloud and Tifa somewhere :D
Played more Jeanne D'Arc. Dark_massenger told me that some characters will leave, so I was working on leveling up the ones I had not used in a long time. I had not expected a character to leave so soon after he warned me, and a VERY important character at that :( So now ill have to grind some before moving on...cause the person I have to use now I have not used since the first few missions.