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New DMC game from Ninja Theory

Waking up this morning to news of a new Devil May Cry game should have made me the happiest person on earth...

But I have some mixed emotions on the information so far :(

Capcom is lettting Ninja Theory do the next installment of DMC. I have no problem with that as long as it is good.

It is also going to be a reboot of the series. Ehh... ok I guess... I do like the story behind the originals and it is disappointing to have it go away. However, if they would bring Vergil back I'm all for it! :D Having a twin brother really is important to who Dante is so I hope they dont throw away everything that made up DMC.

Setting looks to be more present day-ish. No problems with that.

Then I saw the screen shots of Dante...

What the hell did they do to Dante?! :cry: He is a skinny kid with black hair. Black hair! WTF? Its like how they changed Cole for Infamous 2 but 1000 times worse. After calming my rage at this tragedy, I decided to take another look. Happened to notice the back of his head had a silver spot in his hair. That got me thinking, maybe the more Dante uses his demonic powers the more his hair will turn silver until you get his old look? At least I hope my theory is correct because right now I hate what they have done to him.

Heard Dante's voice in the trailer for only a second and I couldnt tell if it was Reuben Langdon or not but I'm betting it is not. Which kind of stinks because I think of his voice as Dante. He voiced him in my two favorite DMC games (and the anime :P ). I dont mind if they want to tone back on the wise-cracks, though I think some of that needs to be in the game for it to be DMC. There are no problems in making him more bada$$ than he already is imo. I can get over the voice more than the change in his looks.

I have a lot of questions about the story, the gameplay and Dante himself that need answers before I decide what to make of this reboot to one of my favorite franchises.