I got to play Too Human this weekend. Jeez I thought Patapon drove me crazy...but that was nothing compared to Too Human :lol: I dont think Ive yelled at a game anymore than I did playing Too Human :P
First off, I thought the story was decent, a bit flat in some areas. Baldur is a great character, love Crispin Freeman, the voice actor. Some of you might recognize him as the voice actor for Rude (Final Fantasy VII: AC, Crisis Core), Tsume (Wolf's Rain), or Karasu (Noein) to name a few.
The character I chose was a cyber champion. Gameplay was fairly smooth. I had a bit of trouble doing the juggle, which requires you to double tap the right analog stick in the direction of the enemy, as well as the finisher, which required you to hit both sticks at the same time in the direction of the enemy. It really isnt difficult, I just think sometime the game was picky on the controls...or maybe Im just not use to playing with analog sticks :lol:
There are so many enemies that come at you at once, and they are all in a big mob. The sliding and juggling, as well as the finisher and skills, helped to deal with the chaos. But when you have 5 types of monsters coming at once, all of which require a different tactic to defeat, it can get overwhelming. Trying to pick out the one that you need really isnt possible. This is the frustration I faced. I knew what needed to be done but sometimes the game just wouldnt cooperate.
Camera got a bit wonky a few times, and I kept wanting to move it around, which you cant really do except to center it back behind you.
Yet despite the frustration and flaws, the game was addicting. Maybe Ive just been playing so many RPGs that the ability to just beat the crap out of everything in sight was great :D It was a fun and annoying 12 hours of playing.
Overall, Too Human has a decent enough story, tons of loot to deck out your character, and addicting gameplay. But dont expect it to run flawlessly and you may end up cursing at your TV during your time playing :D
I also got to play the Star Wars: The Force Unleashed demo.
I must say, force abilites are fun. It was great blowing out the windows of the ship or flinging Stormtroopers clear across the hanger. Though saying that, I was kind of expecting a bit more with all the hype. Of course you cant truly get the full experience of the game in a demo. Ill have to reserve judgement if/when I play the full game. But after the cool factor of the force abilities wore off, I really wasnt "wowed" ya know what I mean? It didnt leave me with an "omg I cant wait for this game" feeling.
Well I think thats it for now. BTW thanks to everyone who gave me advice/suggestions in my last blog :) You guys are awesome!