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Pokemon Black/White Release Date & Odd News to End the Decade!

Some awesomeness for those of you who are fans of the Pokemon games: the U.S. release date has been revealed for the new Generation V Pokemon games, Black and White, as March 6th, 2011! :D I must admit, this is at least a few weeks sooner than I expected, but I'm all the more happy because of it. The two games are now available for pre-order in a variety of places, and the English names for Pokemon just keep coming in. I'm sure I'm speaking for a lot of people when I say that I can't wait for these games to come out.

Anyway, as the title states, this will be my last blog entry of not just this year, but the whole decade as well. I haven't posted odd news articles on my blog for a while, so I thought that would be a fun way to close up the blog entries for the first decade of the millennium.:D


Let in snow, let it snow (link+video)

Everybody loves snow, right? Tons of snow means school cancellations, snowball fights, snowmen and snow forts. But the best part? Coming inside from the snow -- kicking off cold, wet boots and getting warm and dry.

Unless you're Steve and Betty Ehlers of Iowa. The couple came home from a trip to find their entire house covered with snow. Not the outside, mind you -- the INSIDE. A side door had blown open, letting in about half a foot of snow, giving new meaning to having a "White Christmas."


They're probably going to want to shovel as much of that snow out of there as possible before turning on the heat if they don't want several ponds next. Anyway, time for randomness:


Mew (Japanese: ミュウ Mew) - The New Species Pokemon. Apparently, it appears only to those people who are pure of heart and have a strong desire to see it. Its DNA is said to contain the genetic codes of all Pokemon, so it can use all kinds of techniques.

The Random Picture of the Day:

epic fail photos - Safety Break FAIL

The Random GIF of the Day:

Little Big Man Gif - Little Big Man

And that's all for this blog. This has been pikastatic100, over & out! See ya next decade! ;)