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117 321 255 My 1-Year Anniversary is Here!!

[color=forestgreen]Level: 43 (61%)[/color] ~ Well everyone, the much anticipated day (for me :P ) has finally arrived. One year ago to the day, I decided to become a member of Well, it wasn't really to the day. I actually joined on September 12th, but because of the whole time-zone setup on the site, it shows that I joined on the 13th. Either way, though, I still consider today my "official" anniversary because of that.

Anyway, it really has been quite a year on for me. I've made wonderful friends here over the past year. My very first friend was Pikachu315111. Then there's crzyazn_9399, the first person to track me beforehand, and my second friend. And I remember that Seabono12 was the very first person to comment on my blog. I won't play favorites, though -- I'll just say that you, my friends, have made my experience on all the more a great one.:)

I remember how happy I was when I got my very first editorship -- for Coretta Scott King's guide. After that, I continued to get more person editorships until I achieved one of my ultimate goals of becoming a show editor when I became editor for Planet Earth. Not long after that I became editor of the awesome cIassic Tom and Jerry, which of course made me very happy as well. And of course there's my most recent editorship of Naruto Shippuden; and I think I was the happiest when I got that one.:D Besides editorships of course, I've made various other achievements over the year. I made it through 42 levels, made more than 6000 posts, contributed over 3000 submissions, made more than 70 reviews, aaand, posted almost 300 blog entries.:P

I may have told this story on my blog before, but for one thing, if I did it was months ago, and I think this day calls for it -- how I came to join I first discovered this site back in the summer of 2008 when I was searching for a good episode guide for Pokemon. I actually had only watched less than half of the Pokemon episodes back then, but I decided that I wanted to see them all. So I first started coming to the site just to look at the Pokemon Episode Guide every now and then for reference. But the Pokemon Forum started to intrigue me, and I then became a "lurker". I originally just casually read the various posts on the forum, but as time went by I wanted to participate in the discussion more and more. So after a few months of lurking on the Pokemon Forum, I finally decided to join. And there you have it.:P

So... that basically concludes my little anniversary "speech".:P It's time for the Random Pokemon of the Day:

Arceus - The Alpha Pokemon. It is said to have emerged from an egg in a place where there was nothing, then shaped the world.

The Random Picture of the Day:

funny pictures of cats with captions

And that concludes this anniversary blog entry. This has been pikastatic100, over & out! See ya! ;)

P.S. - I know, I didn't do my usual weekly updates yesterday. I'll try to do them tomorrow, but I can't make any promises.