or "my life" in German. Sense purchasing Wolfenstein 3-D for my sexy new itouch I've been carrying a little bit of nostalgia around with me. Remembering were all the secrets are, the pixilated Nazis guards, the old tunes and of course crazy mech Hitler I'm also writing a review of the game for citizengame.co.uk . The controls take time to adjust to but for the price of a pack of smokes your getting 60 levels of Nazi slaying action.
I also wrote a Grand Theft Auto China Town wars review that will be going up on citizengame sometime this week. During the Ubi-Softer 50% off sale I purchased off steam the classics pack contain Beyond Good & Evil, Far Cry, Dark Messiah: Might and Magic and some air plane game which I don't give to **** about, all for ten dollars. Far Cry is worth ten bills on its own but throwing in Beyond G&E and Dark Messiah is a dream come true. I've put about five hours into Far Cry and am enjoying it in small doses. Its one of the toughest shooters I've played and while im no slouch at FPS I found the difficulty to get in the way of enjoyment some times. I haven't even touched the other games in the pack die to the sheer amount of work I've had to redo due to a massive hardware failures deleting all of my files dating back two or three years.
Playing the first two chapters of World of Goo have left me in love with not so much the game play but the charm of the Goos and the atmosphere of the game. Props to Barry White (writer of Citizengame) and DannyoDwyer (editor of Citizengame) for hooking me up with a free signed copy of the game.
I must say my biggest disappointment thus far this year is Resident Evil 5. Not only did I find the dialogue and story incredible boring and plain dumb but the overall game felt to simple. Not easy but the concepts, bosses and overall feel to the game is simple, point A to B type stuff.
That's all I've been up to, felt like I ought to let you all know "Im not dead". Keep on gaming people.