Never seen any of those shows before. Huge reason why I don't watch TV shows as most get cancelled after one season or get lucky to make it past one season and get cancelled years after.
I wishs Borderlands the movie was a CGI movie or even an animated movie in the style of the games. Live action sounds just terrible as far as casting goes as I can't take this movie seriously.
Sill need to see Sonic The Hedgehog glad Epic has a $1.00 trial for the first month. Gonna watch it tonight as I heard it was good and I love Sonic growing up in the 1990's.
As someone who played Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3 and tried Mass Effect on PS3 but couldn't get into it cause of the controls, I am glad Mass Effect got an overhaul to play more like Mass Effect 2. Getting this when it releases as I always wanted to play Mass Effect series from the beginning just to see what happens to Shepard.
I think the PS5 isn't a must have item for me right now, I been enjoying my PS4 lately and have around 60 games from sales and Plus. It will probably take me 2 to 3 years to get through those games. I am willing to wait till 2023 to get a PS5 as I believe the demand will die down and there's a chance Sony bundles the system with a game. My brother has a PS5 and I really don't care that he has one, I want one but not badly enough.
I think it's cause people want the latest console and don't want to wait till next year or whenever more become available. I know my brother got one a few days ago which did surprise me though I am in no rush to get one. I don't even have $500 saved up and wouldn't get one cause of no exclusives right now that say buy me.
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