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pimpin_playah Blog

SSBB is here!

Lately there have been a lack of good games for the Wii. Ever since Super Mario Galaxy and Guitar Hero, Wii activity has been mininal, to say the least.

It was all building up toward one thing: Super Smash Bros Brawl.

Let me be the first to say that this was an utterly awesome game. After a seven year hiatus from melee, brawl is finally here. With an unprecedented 35 characters, and over 100 soundtracks, new and old, I think it's safe to say that SSBB was a huge hit.

Of course, I invited some buddies over to play the weekend that I got it. That's what makes this game so good, and the replay value is just through the roof. This game is good at any party, and you really haen't played Brawl until you've played it with three other people.

If you have a Wii, SSBB is a must. If you have a Wii and friends, invite them over to play. You're really missing out otherwise.

For more info, look for my review on the game, coming shortly.

New Year's resolution

New Year's and the beginning of 2008 is fast approaching. My New Year's resolution is to clean up a bit, starting with this site.

On my Games page, I have scrapped all of my old games to clean up the clutter, and will only list games that I get on the Wii, PS3, or X360 from now on. I only currently have a Wii. My Now Playing page will be left blank due to the fact that it is very tedious to keep updating it to keep it accurate. This notice is also on my About Me page.

I have also cleaned up some of my posts.

Happy New Year's everyone, and good luck with your resolutions!

Christmas is over, Getting ready for New Years

Hi guys, long time since my last post. (It's cuz I knew no one reads them, due to my relative inactivity on the sites.)

Just wanted to wish you guys a happy Christmas, even though it's over, and a happy New Years!

Got a Wii for Christmas and Guitar Hero 3. Woot! Really enjoyin it.


Problem fixed!

How Long Has It Been...? I just solved a problem with my computer that wouldn't let me log in to my account but now that it's solved, here I am! I haven't had a chance to look at the news, so for anyone who cares, plz give me some updates.

2006 Game Awards

Who thinks the awards this year were good? Any disagreements? I've never played most of them, so I don't know, but if anyone who bothers to read my posts does know, they can post a comment. The one thing I do know, though, is that Gamespot was right when they picked Zelda: The Twilight Princess as best platformer for the Wii and Gamecube. But in turn, they were also right not to pick it as the best game of the year because it wasn't THAT good.


On a side note, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Halo Ad

The Halo ad aired on TV last Monday! This blog post came a little late for that but I'm telling you about it now.

Different console updates


Nothing new



Reports have been sent regarding BROKEN Wii controller cords. That must have been some pretty intense gaming, huh? Nintendo has not released its policy on controller replacemant yet. Stay tuned for updates.



New updates for the PS3 have arrived!


*This article has been a courtesy publication of pimpin_playah. Please stay tuned for more courtesy publications

Which is superior?

Which is better? The X360 or the PS3? Both have some similar games, similar graphics, and the price difference isn't TOO great. Anyone who's someone knows that the Xbox and the Playstation have been long time rivals, and their latest releases, along with the Wii as well, have really pitted them against each other. 3 revolutionary new game consoles out just in time for the holidays. This can either make or break a game company. Surprisingly, though, the X360 and the PS3 aren't the two top selling consoles. The Wii has managed to squeeze in the middle, with the PS3 at the very bottom. Who would have thought? The Wii is actually a pretty strong contender in this battle. Well, we'll just have to wait for the holiday season to officially be here, and then we can judge. Although, even if you do make a decision  then, it might just be too late and the system you want may just be sold out. Hmm... Tough choice. Well, either way, I can guarantee you that one of these three consoles will definitely be topping a few wishful kids' wish lists this year. As for me, right now it's a death match between the Wii and the X360. The PS3 isn't even in the picture. But that's just me. Which one will you pick? Post comments if you want. I'm probably guessing though, you don't have a choice to talk about! Right? I'm good. Anyway, happy deciding!

Odd...but I'm not complaining!

Something very odd has happened. In just 2 days, I have advanced 2 whole lvls. of experience. That is not easy to accomplish when you get into the higher lvls. But I'm not complaining! I actually hope it happens again soon. I need the experience. When I get to lvl. 10, I can access user videos and then, the whole world will be doomed...

Playstation 4?

The creators of the Playstation think there will not be a Playstation 4. ??? Why not? Sure, it is getting a little old, but not so old that the consoles should be discontinued. Many people will be angry if there isn't one. Me? I could go either way. Frankly, I don't care if a Playstation 4 comes out. I do think that it has overstayed its welcome a little. However, the creators of the Playstation, if they don't create a new Playstation, should think about creating a totally different gaming system. That is really Nintendo's area of expertise, but hey! Kids get all the fads these days. Whose to say they won't get this one?
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