I usually don't comment on these articles cause I don't enjoy console wars, fanboys, or the damned trolls who feed this stuff. But seriously Sony? Really? I though good internet connections, stable servers, and I don't know? The responsive of the controls and game play helped make us be better gamers? I just don't think a higher resolution will stop most people from being bad or only average, nor do I think it'll help anyone improve quicker than someone else playing on a lower res.
This was much better than the Feedbackulla episode. This is why you're my favorite person on here Danny and I'd follow you which ever site you went on.
@mrcharrio is it so bad that he catered to an audience of women who like to do cosplay? There are a bunch of girls who do cosplay of characters both male and female and make them sexy, even if the character isn't even sexy to begin with. So is it so wrong that he said hey "Why not make character that's easy for women to do a sexy cosplay of? And the chicks who don't want to cosplay that character just don't have to?"
So the man who work for 343i who made, what can be considered, the sexiest form of Cortana yet us said Quiet's character design is disgusting. *Commences the longest sigh of my life*
pimpman5000's comments