Wow, it one of the rare films based on a movie I can say I'm not disappointed in. The feel of the movie is similar to the game, all the crazy stunts, walking on wall, jumping from roof, nice slow motions. The story was made for the movie, so it's not trying to adapt a game's story on the screen so there isn't the bad side for trying to fit an existing story in a new media. But the story they created fit the atmosphere of the games, so if you like the game you will still like the movie.
Ok you might say royal family being caught in some kind of conspiracy and murder isn't something amazingly original, but who care we always love those stories. It's always a good excuse for epic action, romance, strong bound, to feel injustice and anger.
The movie has nice visual, all this sun, sand, medieval age and Middle-Asia kind of building, it takes you somewhere else and we always like to leave a little while fromeveryday life for some fantasy world. 9/10