pink_floyd123 Blog
New PC!
by pink_floyd123 on Comments
I got it up and running yesterday. I'll post more pics and screenshots later but for now:
Hay, it won't let me post a screenshot, what the hell.
New Burial album
by pink_floyd123 on Comments
As a self-proclaimed Pitchfork whore I often find myself drawn towards all the indie sweethearts they award "Best New Music" to. That being said, I usually only listen to all the indie rock. Lately though I've been short on music and wanted to give something different a try so I obtained the new electronica album by Burial. I don't even know why, but I've been listening to it a lot lately and I highly recommend it to any electronica fans or anyone who needs some background music to calm them down.
I'll post exact numbers when my chart gets updated tomorrow.
Edit: About 70 times. Wow
A trend in gaming that needs to stop
by pink_floyd123 on Comments
I'm not a very decisive person. I often spend way too long trying to decide what to do but always end up on stumbleupon or sitting on the couch and doing nothing. Because of this, I don't usually end up doing things that will take a lot of time to become fun. So please, game companies, don't make long intro movies. Nobody likes them.
Yes, yes, yes I know you can skip them but it's still annoying to wait every time. I know who the publisher is, you don't have to remind me every time (especially in some cheesy animation). I really hope I'm not alone on this one because I don't see the point in them at all. I feel compelled to watch them the first time I play a game only to regret it hours later when it's finished.
By the way, I'm talking about pre-start screen intro movies. Long movies that start after the start screen are annoying too but usually the devs keep them short (actually they don't, but that's besides the point). In a perfect world, every game would be have a small load time and go straight to the start screen with no crap in the middle. God of War obviously saw this was a problem and did something to fix it, and I thank them for it. But for the others...not so much.
Later days,
I didn't realize that there were that many uses for "absolutely"
by pink_floyd123 on Comments
Also I just discovered the new tech section in the PC section. Nice.
by pink_floyd123 on Comments
I could write a long post explaining how much I'll miss him or how screwed up the system is, but I won't, because honestly after 3 days I'm still not sure how I feel about this whole ordeal. Let me start by saying I've had quite a weekend. On thursday night I stayed up until the morning working hard on a project which I found out wasn't due that day, but apparently I flip-flopped the due-dates with a book that was supposed to be read by then (my english teacher is one of those people who think that giving lots of homework makes you as important as math and science).
Already angry, a few of my friends broke up with their significant others that day and came to me for emotional support or guidance or something that I really couldn't give, being that I was so tired and pissed. I missed a few classes of gym the previous week due to a nasty cold so I had to make them up by swimming 30 laps after school. The list goes on, but it's besides the point. After swimming I got some tea and rode my bike into the woods with my guitar to practice for my lesson an hour from then.
When I got home I was so tired that I fell asleep and didn't wake up until 5:30 the next morning. I was feeling a little down so I made lots of tea to drink. As soon as I logged on the computer I visited a forum I frequent only to discover it had been invaded by another board and it hasn't been cleaned up until today, saddened by this, I did my usual run of, metacritic, pitchfork, facebook (oh calm down), newegg (getting a new PC soon, will definitely post pics), and yahoo mail. As I was logging off my computer I forgot that I still needed to check gamespot. I entered the general discussion forum only to find a huge thread filled with eulogies for Jeff and threats at Eidos and CNET. What had happened?
Jeff Gerstmann had been fired. My mouth was agape for a long time just staring at the bright computer screen amidst my dark living room. I would've never expected this to happen. I felt so sad, yet so angry. I was angry at James Larson for firing him. I was angry at Kane and Lynch for being upset over such a thing. I was angry at Jeff. Why couldn't he have just given in to the pressure, isn't it worth it to stay? I realized what I was saying was all garbage and I had to take a break. I needed something to take my mind off of all this madness.
It was snowing, and our driveway was covered and ripe for shoveling. I turned on my MP3 player to full blast (Sigur Rós) and shoveled away. I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened though. How could they have done that? They knew it would make everyone sad and angry at them for firing him. By now, I had been beaten to the punch by numerous of my fellow Gamespotters of posts about Jeff and how they were canceling their accounts, and since I don't update my blog very much (and when I do not many people read it), I figured it would be useless for me to write anything about it. I walked inside and started doing some homework when I realized something: CNET knew we would be angry. CNET knew that we would be upset. CNET also knew that we would forget.
I hate to use this analogy but I feel it's fitting. When the new review system was introduced everyone was enraged. Gamespot was trying to "fit in" with the other game publications and sites. Gamespot was the enemy. Months later, people rarely talk about it anymore. Why? Because they couldn't do anything to change it, and I feel that this situation is similar. Everyone will eventually stop talking about it and life will go on. It makes me sad, but at the same time I feelI should've seen it coming.
When Greg left I was also sad, because I respected him greatly, as a critic, writer (read his blog on jeff), and person, but for some reason my emotions seemed amplified this time. I was trying to figure out how this could be (I never really heard Jeff as much since he's a little quieter that Greg), then I realized that I wasn't any sadder for Jeff, only sadder for how he left. Jeff was kicked out of Gamespot for no reason and Gamespot was mad. I can't imagine that Jeff won't find another job elsewhere being that he is a respected member of the gaming community, and I wish him well in whatever he does, although I hope he comes back to tell us how he's doing.
Anyways, sorry if I got sloppy towards the end of my post. It's nearing 1:30 AM and it's a school night. I just wanted to get in my two cents before the weekend is up. My sincerest condolences go to the Gamespot staff as I know that Jeff is like a brother to you guys and I want you guys to know that we all appreciate your hard work even in this time of darkness.
Free game!
by pink_floyd123 on Comments
A local video game store had a buy 2 get one free sale for all used things so I took advantage of it. I ended up getting God of War, Final Fantasy X-2, and Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition. I probably should have gotten so more expensive things too since it's a great deal but I saved $17 on three great games so it's all good.
I'm playing them one at a time, starting with god of war. Right now I'm trying to find the two necklaces to get to Pandoras Box. So far the game is awesome and it's easily the best game I've played in a while. I'm definitely going backto beat it on a harder difficulty since I started this game on easy thinking it would still be hard (which I heard somewhere...hmmm) and it's a bit too easy on this level. I've only died from missing a jump and such but never from an enemy. I'm excited to get to all the bonus features though. Some complaints would be the erratic placement of save points-I found myself having to lose half an hour of playing because I couldn't find a save point and I had to go downstairs to watch House-I also didn't like the uselessness of Medusas Gaze and no New Game+ option. Other than that it's a great game that anyone who's old enough should play.
On the other games-Final Fantasy X is tied with Psychonauts for my favorite game of all time, I'm actually surprise I've waited this long to buy X-2 but I'm pretty excited for it. Devil May Cry 3 has had my eye for a while especially since the Special Edition came out (I'm alright at gaming, but nooooooowhere near that good). As awesome as God of War is I'm really tempted to pop in DMC 3 just to see what it's like. I might actually play the original first to understand the story if that's needed but I'll probably skip the second since everyone hates it.
On a different note, if you haven't seen Zero Punctuation yet, watch it now. Stumbleupon took me to the site when he made his first video and I've been in love ever since. His recent video on The Orange Box is his best one yet.
Sorry if I've made any spelling errors, firefox's spell check doesn't work on GameSpot and I've become dependant on it.
The new Radiohead and Band of Horses albums are great. I really want a PS3 now that all the good games are starting to come out. I'm mad that House fired Bosley. Why does everyone on Heroes always die? I want to see Michael Clayton. Across the Universe was disapointing. How I Met Your Mother is getting funnier and funnier as it goes and is one of the funniest shows on television. Ditto for 30 Rock. The Office has been going slightly downhill lately and I am angry about that. I find GameSpot's semi-new review system obnoxious and uninformative.
You're welcome. I'm going to go watch Conan O' Brien be awesome.
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