I'm not a very decisive person. I often spend way too long trying to decide what to do but always end up on stumbleupon or sitting on the couch and doing nothing. Because of this, I don't usually end up doing things that will take a lot of time to become fun. So please, game companies, don't make long intro movies. Nobody likes them.
Yes, yes, yes I know you can skip them but it's still annoying to wait every time. I know who the publisher is, you don't have to remind me every time (especially in some cheesy animation). I really hope I'm not alone on this one because I don't see the point in them at all. I feel compelled to watch them the first time I play a game only to regret it hours later when it's finished.
By the way, I'm talking about pre-start screen intro movies. Long movies that start after the start screen are annoying too but usually the devs keep them short (actually they don't, but that's besides the point). In a perfect world, every game would be have a small load time and go straight to the start screen with no crap in the middle. God of War obviously saw this was a problem and did something to fix it, and I thank them for it. But for the others...not so much.
Later days,