I know I haven't done an entry in awhile, which is because I've been working on this project, and now that I'm almost finished with it, I should become active again in a week or two.
For anyone who is wondering, I just started Season 5 of Six Feet Under, and when I'm done I'm going to right a lengthy review
Anyways, I'm just posting my reviews for the LOST Season 5 premiere, and the Heroes Volume 4 premiere, and then comparing the two.
"Because You Left"
LOST is back, and not as good as the first two seasons, but still better then Season 4.
The first 10 minutes was amazing and saves the episode. The references to the season two premiere was clever and a treat for fans.
The episode is very full, and would of done better if the load was lightened a little bit. The appearance of Ethan was anticlimactic and sort of dull.
LOST is still suffering from pretty bad acting, I found Kate, Sawyer, Juliet, and Hurley unbearable at times.
Ben, Locke, Richard, and the Freighties make up for it though. All the moments with these characters are great. Although it's kind of weird how a lot of scenes just happened to make the promo's look better. Why did they bother showing the plane again? Besides to make LOST fans excited when they saw the promo? This was a good premiere, but it would of been better if it was less chaotic and took more time. This episode will have you missing 24 episode seasons, but that doesn't make it a bad episode. It's pretty trippy, and it's entertaining. But it doesn't quite have the same level of intelligence as the first few seasons.
"The Lie"
Ok...This episode was BAD and will probably be the worst this season.
First of all, it has no standalone value. It picks up right off from last week, and everything is just to lead up to next week. Next, we have Hurley. He was terrible. He acts like an idiot the entire episode. And then he gets himself arrested. Am I the only one who was reminded of Heroes? That was out of character and stupid.
Also, we have the people attacking the LOSTies. First, they don't both to get closer to the LOSTies for a direct hit, then they don't bother to ask them any questions or give them time to explain. You aren't going to cut a woman's hand off if you need her to answer questions...
Ben, Faraday, and Locke save what would of been a terrible filler episode. Not only did very little happen, but it was extremely chaotic.
I watch LOST because I like the characters and storylines. So why are they destroying the characters to become one dimensional tools? And why do the storylines feel like Heroes?
"A Clear and Present Danger"
Wow, I must say I am quite impressed with this episode. No annoying twists, no huge plot holes, and no real "cringe" worthy moments.
Yes I still miss Elle, but now that she's obviously not coming back, Sylar is back at the top. He was golden the entire episode, especially when he was ambushed...
Claire didn't suck as much as she usually does, and probably the only cringe moments involved her. But she has always been cringe worthy, even in Volume 1, so it's not that big of deal.
Heroes is about on par with Volume one again. A lot of focus on the characters we care about, not as much focus on the ones we don't. Very balanced, the pacing was right on, and the ending was actually very good.
This is definitely the best Heroes episode in a long time. If it included Elle and Claude, I think I'd be having so many fangasms that I wouldn't be able to type.
Also, none of the characters did anything really out of character. Noah is back to being a tool, Sylar is still searching for answers, Ando is going to strip clubs, Hiro isn't an idiot and is actually likable again, ect.
I really like how all the characters are back in there own shoes, and I really like Nathan as a villain.
I'm not getting my hopes too high, but so far Volume 4 is really delightful, and I actually care about the storyline.
So far, this volume of Heroes is better then the new season of LOST. Especially when it comes to acting...
Please realize this reviews where rather rushed, especially the LOST ones. In the future, my reviews will be longer and explain the reasons for my rating much better.
In the end, Heroes has turned back into Heroes, and LOST is still pretending to be The X-Files.
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