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News Flash: New Volume of Heroes is Better Than The New Season of LOST

I know I haven't done an entry in awhile, which is because I've been working on this project, and now that I'm almost finished with it, I should become active again in a week or two.

For anyone who is wondering, I just started Season 5 of Six Feet Under, and when I'm done I'm going to right a lengthy review

Anyways, I'm just posting my reviews for the LOST Season 5 premiere, and the Heroes Volume 4 premiere, and then comparing the two.


"Because You Left"

LOST is back, and not as good as the first two seasons, but still better then Season 4.

The first 10 minutes was amazing and saves the episode. The references to the season two premiere was clever and a treat for fans.

The episode is very full, and would of done better if the load was lightened a little bit. The appearance of Ethan was anticlimactic and sort of dull.

LOST is still suffering from pretty bad acting, I found Kate, Sawyer, Juliet, and Hurley unbearable at times.

Ben, Locke, Richard, and the Freighties make up for it though. All the moments with these characters are great. Although it's kind of weird how a lot of scenes just happened to make the promo's look better. Why did they bother showing the plane again? Besides to make LOST fans excited when they saw the promo? This was a good premiere, but it would of been better if it was less chaotic and took more time. This episode will have you missing 24 episode seasons, but that doesn't make it a bad episode. It's pretty trippy, and it's entertaining. But it doesn't quite have the same level of intelligence as the first few seasons.


"The Lie"

Ok...This episode was BAD and will probably be the worst this season.

First of all, it has no standalone value. It picks up right off from last week, and everything is just to lead up to next week. Next, we have Hurley. He was terrible. He acts like an idiot the entire episode. And then he gets himself arrested. Am I the only one who was reminded of Heroes? That was out of character and stupid.

Also, we have the people attacking the LOSTies. First, they don't both to get closer to the LOSTies for a direct hit, then they don't bother to ask them any questions or give them time to explain. You aren't going to cut a woman's hand off if you need her to answer questions...

Ben, Faraday, and Locke save what would of been a terrible filler episode. Not only did very little happen, but it was extremely chaotic.

I watch LOST because I like the characters and storylines. So why are they destroying the characters to become one dimensional tools? And why do the storylines feel like Heroes?



"A Clear and Present Danger"

Wow, I must say I am quite impressed with this episode. No annoying twists, no huge plot holes, and no real "cringe" worthy moments.

Yes I still miss Elle, but now that she's obviously not coming back, Sylar is back at the top. He was golden the entire episode, especially when he was ambushed...

Claire didn't suck as much as she usually does, and probably the only cringe moments involved her. But she has always been cringe worthy, even in Volume 1, so it's not that big of deal.

Heroes is about on par with Volume one again. A lot of focus on the characters we care about, not as much focus on the ones we don't. Very balanced, the pacing was right on, and the ending was actually very good.

This is definitely the best Heroes episode in a long time. If it included Elle and Claude, I think I'd be having so many fangasms that I wouldn't be able to type.

Also, none of the characters did anything really out of character. Noah is back to being a tool, Sylar is still searching for answers, Ando is going to strip clubs, Hiro isn't an idiot and is actually likable again, ect.

I really like how all the characters are back in there own shoes, and I really like Nathan as a villain.

I'm not getting my hopes too high, but so far Volume 4 is really delightful, and I actually care about the storyline.

So far, this volume of Heroes is better then the new season of LOST. Especially when it comes to acting...


Please realize this reviews where rather rushed, especially the LOST ones. In the future, my reviews will be longer and explain the reasons for my rating much better.

In the end, Heroes has turned back into Heroes, and LOST is still pretending to be The X-Files.

A Very Informative Blog Entry That is Unfortunately Missing a Witty Entry Title.

Ok kids, we are taking a step forward in this blog, so welcome to The Pipinowns Blog Point Two. Which is +.1 better than my last blog. What's the difference exactly? Well we've trashed the "How To" at the beginning of all my entries, we've trashed the colored text, we've trashed the inconsistent gaps between my blog posts (I will do at least one post a week from now on), and we've trashed other utterly stupid things that are to embarrassing to mention.

So now that you've gotten this far into what I'd call a pretty fine blog entry, let's get down to the point. Ever since that little Watchmen entry I did, I've gotten into some pretty neat new shows. Which includes Six Feet Under, Veronica Mars, Flight of The Concords, and The X-Files. And then I've dropped a few shows, including The Office, Heroes (How dare they kill off Kristen Bell!), and House MD. Although, I've told myself that I will catch up on House MD when Season 5 comes to DVD, but that could just be the precious time invested in the series screaming at me until my ears bleed orange (Which is never going to happen, because contrary to popular belief, I bleed red.)

But alas, I haven't just been watching TV shows during my hiatus. I actually got acquainted with a lot of really good movies. Which includes Fight Club, The Big Lebowski, Dr. Strangelove, A Clockwork Orange (Not recommended for minors or people who are scared of nudity(Oh Noes!)), and Snatch. Although Donnie Darko is still my all time favorite movie.

Ok, now that you know what I've been doing in the past, let's talk about the future. In the next few months, expect a few blog entries about Veronica Mars and Six Feet Under. Expect a few interesting and critical reviews. Expect me to start watching shows like "The Wire" and "Deadwood". Expect more typo's then you can shake a stick at. Expect me to try so damn hard to keep you entertained, that you end up being repulsed by my crappy sense of humor. Oh, and watch out for every LOST fans nightmare, a critical and intelligent review on every episode of LOST this season (Although I might not be able to review EVERY episode, I can probably do most of them)

And while we are on the subject of LOST, Season 5 starts this Wednesday (January 21st (Hasn't this month gone by fast?)) and it's two episodes on one night! I'm kind of excited, but skeptic after a pretty weak 4th season. For anyone who is curious, my current favorite characters are Ben, Faraday, Locke, and Charlotte. So look out this week for "Because You Left" (Not a very good premiere title...) and "The Lie" (Once again, not a very good episode title.). Although I've read the title for the first few episodes (I think it was the first ten, but maybe more) and some of them sound very good. If you want to know them (I'm not sure if they are on TV.com yet) just give me a PM and I'll tell you :)

Oh, and if the Dexter fans haven't already started screaming "MIIIGGGGGUEEEEEELLLL!!" by my lack of reviews for Dexter episodes, then please avoid getting fired from your job by listening me when I say that I'm going to do my best to finish the fight and review the rest of Season 3, but it may take a long time.

Now, I realize that this blog entry, just like my previous two, is very narcissistic. But I can't help it, that's just the way I am. But don't fear, I won't keep making blog entries with no other topic then myself and my glorious ego.

Speaking of ego's, I've recently read the book Anthem in my English class. I enjoyed reading it, but it could of been a lot deeper and more entertaining. Although it's pretty good for such a short book (It's only 100 pages.).

Speaking of books, I stopped by a local book store the other day and saw Stephen Colbert's book. Naturally, being a bit of a Colbert fan, I took the time to read some of it, and I was quite impressed. Unfortunately it is was $30, and I'm still saving up to buy the full series of Veronica Mars and Six Feet Under. But I'd recommend it to anyone who wants a good and humorous read.

Speaking of recommendations, I recommend you stop reading this entry, because it's over.


Best of 2008

Alright everyone, here is my hall of fame for 2008. Also, look for my next entry this week that will cover my new obsession with the show "Six Feet Under"

I'm going to do this list by first making a list of my favorite episodes that aired during 2008. Then I'm going to do a list of my favorite episodes and shows that I watched in 2008.

Here we go:

Top 5 Episodes:

5. Turning Biminese (Dexter)

4. The Constant (LOST)

3. Midnight (Dr. Who)

2. House's Head/Wilson's Heart (House)

1. I Had a Dream (Dexter)

Pipinown's Favorite 10 Episodes:

10. Return To Sender (Dexter)

9. Bad Wolf/The Parting of Ways (Dr. Who)

8. Jose Chung's From Outer Space (X-Files)

7. Not Pictured (Veronica Mars)

6. Blink (Dr. Who)

5. Clash of Tritons (Veronica Mars)

4. Shrink Wrap (Dexter)

3. Resistance is Futile (Dexter)

2. The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances (Dr. Who)

1. Born Free (Dexter)

Pipinown's Favorite 5 Shows:

5. The X-Files:

This year I found the time to watch the first three seasons of an old gem titled The X-Files. Everyone knows what the X-Files is, but some people just write it off as an old and dull show. This is not the case. Episodes like "Jose Chung's From Outer Space" and "Clyde Bruckmans Final Repose" are some of the best Sci-Fi episodes that have ever aired on television. The X-Files is an awesome show, that will never be forgotten.

4. House MD:

Near the beginning of 2008, I started watching House MD. It was very formulaic, but it had something that most formulaic shows don't: Excellent characters. The characters of House is what keeps you watching it, and House is one of the best TV characters to date.

3. Veronica Mars:

Just a few months ago I started watching Veronica Mars, and I was surprised. I'm not really into CW shows, or even teen dramas for that fact, but this show is just awesome. Not only because Kristen Bell is an amazing actress (and smoking hot), but because it has some of the coolest mysteries I've ever seen in a show. I just finished Season 2 a few weeks ago, and I'm about to start the third season. But I don't need to watch the final season to know how much I love this show.

2. Doctor Who:

This year I watched four seasons of the new Doctor Who, and I just couldn't stop. I sat up all night watching the episodes on my IPod. This is the coolest, funniest, and best Science Fiction show I've ever seen.

1. Dexter:

I watched all three seasons of Dexter this year, and I loved it. It was the first premium cable show that I had watched, so it was a bit hard to digest at first. After getting used to it though, I couldn't help but love it. Wonderful acting, cinematography, storylines, and basically everything you want out of a TV show. It's not the kind of show you can recommend to everyone, because it takes an intelligent viewer for it to be fully appreciated,

New Year, New Blog.

As I said, I was inactive for awhile, but I'm going to start making active blog posts every week starting this month. I have been lurking around for awhile, but haven't been doing any real activity. That ends now.

Hopefully I will be able to get a system going where I can make more then one post a week, but for now I need a steady pace to keep up consistency.

I'm going to catch up on my reviews for Season 3 of Dexter, so look for those. Along with this I have fallen behind on House MD, so if I start catching up, I will provide reviews as I go.

Some things to look for this year would be that I'm going to start watching Six Feet Under, The Wire, and Whendon's new show Dollhouse. Another thing is that I have recently started watching Veronica Mars, but I'm still on Season 3 so don't spoil me 8)

I promise I will have another blog post before next Sunday, but I can't make any promises to do one before that.

That's about it...


How To Not Get LOST While Watching The Watchmen

Well I haven't done an entry for awhile, which is, more or less, both good and bad.

And yes the above sentence had way to many comma's.

I've been doing a few reviews here and there though. Keeping up with my shows.

I still stay true to my Dexter fanboyness as I am searching for a "Dexter Bobble head"

But even better I heard a "Doakes Bobble head" should be coming in January. So all Dexter fans should be careful what there doing at night because you may get a surprise from somebody who's been tailing you.

And when you think "Dexter Bobble head" you may be thinking of this:

This isn't actually what I'm talking about though.

Apparently there is another limited edition one from the comic con which seems to appeal more to me.

It looks like this:

But besides Bobble heads and Dexter there is more in the TV world that is interesting me.

What could this be? The new LOST trailer perhaps?

The new LOST trailer indeed.

Just a couple of days ago the first trailer for Season 5 of LOST was released. And I will not lie it looks pretty cool.

Although last season was a very big disappointment even though the trailer looked pretty cool.

I'm excited for this season of LOST but not as excited as last year. Because sadly I have a feeling this season will be better then Season 4 but still fail to live up to the expectations LOST created in the first two seasons.

Season 5 is going to be about the Oceanic 6 going back to the island in order to save everyone else still alive. Also it will, obviously, tell us WHY they need to go back. Which is a question they should of answered last season. And I say that it should of been answered last season because after the finale of Season 3 with Jack yelling they have to go back we should be informed as to why ASAP. Which, sadly, didn't happen.

Tune in to the Season 5 Premiere on February 4th 2009.

In a world outside of TV shows there has been something interesting me.

That something would be the new movie "Watchmen"

I've seen the new trailer from the Spike Scream 2008 Awards (In which Dexter won Best TV Show)

It looks awesome. Also the R rating will hopefully make sure it won't befall the "Dark Knight" effect of everyone seeing it and turning the movie and the characters into cliches.

Anyways that's it for now.


How To or Something

I just watched Doctor Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog for a second time and I must admit I'm hooked.

Unfortunately that's all there is. Three acts. I heard rumors of an Act Four and that they'd come out with a DVD. But it won't be anytime too soon.

If your interested go ahead and watch the trailer here .

Also Dexter is on tonight. Episode 3x02 is titled "Finding Freebo"

I will try and write the review for it tonight but it probably won't be up until tomorrow.

Also if anyone has any suggestions about how to change my blog to make it more entertaining just write in the comments section.

And for all the Gamers out there I'm starting to get pretty hyped up for Red Alert 3. Which comes out late October.

Also I'm planning on making a special Halloween blog post sometime near the 31st. So be prepared my readers (AKA me and my cat)


How To Take A Break

Hey I'm just going to tell my 0 readers that I'm taking a break.

Mainly because the blog is sort of pointless and unfunny. I'll probably start making a Video Blog though. Although that's still considered a secret project. We'll see how it works out.

Anyways I think my 0 readers will appreciate knowing there is no reason to come on here unless you want to read my reviews or something.

I may do occasional blog posts. But rarely.

Also I'm not going to bother spell checking this. Mainly becase it's just a qucik one.


How To M an E

Tonight (As you should know) is the Emmys!

So I'm crossing my fingers that Dexter or House will win the best drama.

Also if 30Rock wins best comedy again this year I won't have a choice but to start watching it. I've heard bad and good things about it.


Also if anyone didn't know NBC is back on ITunes! And there giving away 1 free episode for both Heroes, The Office, Psych, and other shows.

Also tomorrow is Heroes. So I'm going to do an entry on Tuesday dedicated to it.


How To Save A Life

So the House MD season 5 premiere it tonight and because of this news I am obligated to post at least 1 picture that involves a house, the character house, and your moms house.

First off lets started with House MD. Season 5 premiere basically goes from the Season 4 finales ending. Wilson's girlfriend is now dead and he is going to resign because of this. He blames House for her death and House is willing to go to any length to keep his friend.

Season 5 of House MD starts tonight 7pm central on Fox.


I have been watching quite a bit of "Arrested Development" and I am loving it more and more. This is probably the funniest comedy on television if not the funniest show. Of course I haven't seen the TV-MA comedies like "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" but I seriously doubt there funnier then AD. Unfortunately Arrested Development is cancelled due to fox being a sh*t channel. But a movie is coming out in 2009. A movie which I plan to see quite a few times.


Also I've been really interested in foreshadowing this week. From the numerous mentions of Shawn's mother near the Psych Season 2 finale (That I was rewatching) from all the hits of Buster's hand getting eaten by a "Loose" seal. It's a really amazing tool and honestly any show that has it has passed a the normal "Sit-Com" intelligence level and gains my attention. Anything that uses it alot is probably going to be viewed by myself a few times. So if you read this blog go ahead and comment on your thoughts on foreshadowing and what shows use quite a bit of it.

And if this house looks anything like the one your mom lives in, then please tell me why on earth you'd post such an ugly house online.


Quote: "Here he comes. Here comes John Wayne. "I'm not going to cry about my Pa. I'm going to build an airport— put my name on it." Why, Michael? So you can fly away from your feelings? You can keep them bottled up, Michael, but they will come out, [Tobias goes to open the refrigerator] sometimes in the most unexpected...Hey, where the *BEEP* ARE MY HARD BOILED EGGS!?!?!" - Arrested Developmnt

One last thing for all the gaming readers I heard Red Alert 3 will be limited to 5 installs but you don't have to put in the gaming disc. What are your thoughts on this.

Personally I think it's bullsh*t. I mean if I buy something then I want to keep it. Like Crysis. I'm opening it up right now to pla-- WHERE THE *BEEP* IS MY CRYSIS DISC?


How to Blackmail a Psychic

Well I haven't wrote a blog post in awhile so I decided to just throw this out there for my readers (AKA Me and my mom(Actually it's just me)).

So tomorrow (Friday) I'm going to see that new movie "Burn After Reading". It looks pretty cool and very funny. Although I've only seen two trailers for it so I really have no idea about what it's about besides what the trailers say.


Right after I see the movie I'm going to come home to the Psych summer finale.

The summer finale is titled "Gus Walks Into A Bank". It looks pretty good. Psych has been very different this season. I really can't judge it until I see the second half in the January-March period.

Apparently in the finale Gus walks into a bank (Obviously) and there is a bank robbery. Shawn has to negotiate with the bank robber to get everyone out safe.

It seems like it will be pretty funny. Although I predict another "All-Out Silliness" episode. Which is a love/hate kind of thing.


By the way I finished Playing Hitman Contracts and Hitman Bloody Money.

My final verdict is that Contracts is ok but I uninstalled it after finishing it. Blood Money isn't to short or to long. Although at some points it's either way to hard or way to easy. Or it's so hard to do such an easy task. It can be annoying at times. Although I plan to replay it once and try and do all the missions perfectly. After that it will probably be uninstalled.

Also I've heard alot of bad things about Spore so in the end I'm not going to buy it. Pretty sad too. I was so hyped about it only for it to end up being a flop. Crysis Warhead is probably going to be my next purchase. I will also get Dawn of War 2 and for some reason I feel like maybe I shouldn't buy Red Alert 3. Although I probably will.

And that's about it...


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