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Best of 2008

Alright everyone, here is my hall of fame for 2008. Also, look for my next entry this week that will cover my new obsession with the show "Six Feet Under"

I'm going to do this list by first making a list of my favorite episodes that aired during 2008. Then I'm going to do a list of my favorite episodes and shows that I watched in 2008.

Here we go:

Top 5 Episodes:

5. Turning Biminese (Dexter)

4. The Constant (LOST)

3. Midnight (Dr. Who)

2. House's Head/Wilson's Heart (House)

1. I Had a Dream (Dexter)

Pipinown's Favorite 10 Episodes:

10. Return To Sender (Dexter)

9. Bad Wolf/The Parting of Ways (Dr. Who)

8. Jose Chung's From Outer Space (X-Files)

7. Not Pictured (Veronica Mars)

6. Blink (Dr. Who)

5. Clash of Tritons (Veronica Mars)

4. Shrink Wrap (Dexter)

3. Resistance is Futile (Dexter)

2. The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances (Dr. Who)

1. Born Free (Dexter)

Pipinown's Favorite 5 Shows:

5. The X-Files:

This year I found the time to watch the first three seasons of an old gem titled The X-Files. Everyone knows what the X-Files is, but some people just write it off as an old and dull show. This is not the case. Episodes like "Jose Chung's From Outer Space" and "Clyde Bruckmans Final Repose" are some of the best Sci-Fi episodes that have ever aired on television. The X-Files is an awesome show, that will never be forgotten.

4. House MD:

Near the beginning of 2008, I started watching House MD. It was very formulaic, but it had something that most formulaic shows don't: Excellent characters. The characters of House is what keeps you watching it, and House is one of the best TV characters to date.

3. Veronica Mars:

Just a few months ago I started watching Veronica Mars, and I was surprised. I'm not really into CW shows, or even teen dramas for that fact, but this show is just awesome. Not only because Kristen Bell is an amazing actress (and smoking hot), but because it has some of the coolest mysteries I've ever seen in a show. I just finished Season 2 a few weeks ago, and I'm about to start the third season. But I don't need to watch the final season to know how much I love this show.

2. Doctor Who:

This year I watched four seasons of the new Doctor Who, and I just couldn't stop. I sat up all night watching the episodes on my IPod. This is the coolest, funniest, and best Science Fiction show I've ever seen.

1. Dexter:

I watched all three seasons of Dexter this year, and I loved it. It was the first premium cable show that I had watched, so it was a bit hard to digest at first. After getting used to it though, I couldn't help but love it. Wonderful acting, cinematography, storylines, and basically everything you want out of a TV show. It's not the kind of show you can recommend to everyone, because it takes an intelligent viewer for it to be fully appreciated,