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pister Blog

Long Time, no blah, blah, blah...

So it's been a while. I don't really have anything to say here, so I don't. What's the point is blogging just to blog?

Anyway, I do have a brain dump today. This mornig I just dropped my wife of at the airport. She is taking a two week trip home to visit her family. She took our daughter with her. You may be asking what this has to do with gaming, well, consider this. My wife is gone for two weeks and she took my daughter with her. CAN YOU SAY TWO WEEKS OF SOLID, UNITERUPTED, PURE GAMING GOODNESS?

That said, I will miss my wife and daughter terribly. I love them both dearly. However, it will also be nice to have a little break and really get some gaming done!

The kicker is that two of my buddies wives are also going on vacation at the same time. CAN YOU SAY WEEK LONG LAN PARTY? Guys my age with a family will appreciate the significance of the next two weeks.

Let the games begin!! :D

That old mistress...

Well, I'm back to playing WoW. I had been playing Icewind Dale II, but WoW has sucked me back in. Perhaps it because my guild is finally making progress in BlackWing Lair. We downed Razorgore last night and made an attempt at Vael. I am playing a mage as my main. He's a lot of fun despite needing some tweeks. I have gotten some nice upgrades lately and am enjoying the jump in power I have gotten. I'm back to grinding PvE, but it's not so bad now that I can kill any non-elite mob with hardly a thought.

As a result of the upgrades, I seriously want more of the same so I am very motivated to grind up rep and work towards better loots.

I must say Blizzard has done a fine job keeping my interest. The release of the An'Quiraj war effort is very fun. It's nice to have an alternate way to raise faction and get some greens out of it on the side. All in all, very fun.

Currently however, my goal is to grind up a disgusting oozling. I gotta have one of those pets...

Unearthing Lost Treasures

So I got a new computer desk for christmas (and a new chair!! woot!!) and I had to clean out the old one. The new desk has less shelf space so I decided to go through my games and box up some stuf I know I'll never play again.

The cool thing was, as I was going through my collection, I was suprised how many great gaming memories were brought to mind just by glancing at the different titles. I remembered my Necro fro D2, dog from Fallout, the scenery in Homeworld, and so many more.

I also gained a renewed interest in playing some of my older games. I remembered what a fun time I had with certain titles and decided to reinstall them on my new box and play them again. It was like getting a bunch of awesome free christmas games.

So, I've been have great fun this week with some retro gaming goodness. And as a side note, some of my older RPGs that used to take forever to load, now take about a second to load. How cool is that...?

Getting my Game on

All I can say is a good education is the key to good gaming.

You might ask, "why?" And I would say, cause a good education can get you a good job so you can afford good gaming gear and lots of games!!

I have been blessed with a good job as of late and I recently bought my second high end gaming PC system this year. I now have two boxes that run WoW like a charm and one old box for my daughter to surf Playhouse Disney on. :)

The point being. I am officially ready to get my game groove on. I am hoping to get into some shooters soon as I finally have a couple boxes that will play stuff like Battlefield 2, Call of Duty 2, etc. And, now that both my wife and I have high end systems, she won't be sitting on the good computer when I get home from work any more. :)

Anyway, just random thoughts for my first post. I hope to post here occasionally with some gaming thoughts and ideas.
