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Getting my Game on

All I can say is a good education is the key to good gaming.

You might ask, "why?" And I would say, cause a good education can get you a good job so you can afford good gaming gear and lots of games!!

I have been blessed with a good job as of late and I recently bought my second high end gaming PC system this year. I now have two boxes that run WoW like a charm and one old box for my daughter to surf Playhouse Disney on. :)

The point being. I am officially ready to get my game groove on. I am hoping to get into some shooters soon as I finally have a couple boxes that will play stuff like Battlefield 2, Call of Duty 2, etc. And, now that both my wife and I have high end systems, she won't be sitting on the good computer when I get home from work any more. :)

Anyway, just random thoughts for my first post. I hope to post here occasionally with some gaming thoughts and ideas.
