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Unearthing Lost Treasures

So I got a new computer desk for christmas (and a new chair!! woot!!) and I had to clean out the old one. The new desk has less shelf space so I decided to go through my games and box up some stuf I know I'll never play again.

The cool thing was, as I was going through my collection, I was suprised how many great gaming memories were brought to mind just by glancing at the different titles. I remembered my Necro fro D2, dog from Fallout, the scenery in Homeworld, and so many more.

I also gained a renewed interest in playing some of my older games. I remembered what a fun time I had with certain titles and decided to reinstall them on my new box and play them again. It was like getting a bunch of awesome free christmas games.

So, I've been have great fun this week with some retro gaming goodness. And as a side note, some of my older RPGs that used to take forever to load, now take about a second to load. How cool is that...?