Hi all.... Its time for a weekend insomniac night!!!!! &&&&&&& It's also Jensen's Birthday!!! so its insomnight + birthday bash!!!
When: This Saturday 1st March '08 (sunday for some), GMT 11:00pm
Venue: SFU thread as the meeting point... (Look out for a new thread for Jensen's birthday wish)
head to pics thread for
games (ok not sure if Kimmy or Rocio will be willing to host the games.. i hope they will but i have yet to check with them.. sooo bad of me.. apologies.. BUT.. since its jensen's bday, we might be swamped or drowned with Jensen goodies!! who knows!!! so be prepared!!! )
perhaps return of GTown??? (Pix have no control over this!)
of course head to Evil thread, S&S3 for speculations and some spoilers.. or maybe we can discuss SN thus far in a new thread.. hmm...
or simply head to insomnight thread (will try to find it and bump it up as per normal)
US - 4/6/7pm (saturday)
4 for pales and everyone who lives arond her area, 6 for Libs, 7 for Webs
Canada/Puerto Rico - 7pm (saturday)
UK - 11pm (saturday)
France - 12am (sunday)
Australia - 11am (sunday) - if its McG's area.. it will be 9am..
For others who are unsure of your time, PM me.
P/S: I just take the same timing as before....
Audience: Global --> all you people around the world... australia, beligium, US, france, scotland, UK, Canada, Italy, Portugal, etc etc...
Past experience: for those who cant make it on time, juz come on over when u r available.. Who knows we are still here lashing out thoughts, ideas, and still having conversations with one another...
All are invited to join....
Hell hath no fury like a fandom scorned!! Don't mess with our SN!!!!!!
additional info on specific time:
Snow/CL/Tish= 11pm
Lizzie/Saph/mini-kim- 12am
Engel/Laz/Milla - 7pm
Libs - 6pm
Kimmy/pales - 4pm
suze/ell- 11am
Edit: wrong timing for australians... :oops: