Even more importantly then the slight edge in visuals from the 360 though is microsofts aggressiveness is securing exclusive titles and content. This is what Sony did to win the last few battles. FF 7 and DVD beat Dreamcast and n64. GTA 3 and a slew of other exclusive titles beat the xbox. What happened? Microsoft learned their lesson and realized that even though the xbox was a much more powerful machine then the ps2, people go where the games are. Uncharted, MG4, and heavenly sword are all great... but they cant touch the 360's library.
1st off, I own all 3 next gen systems. I never had an xbox, was always a ps guy. Had ps1, ps2, bought ps3 the day it came out. Got my 1st microsoft console about 6 months ago, and now its all i play. I got caught in the hype of the p3. The cell processer, while extremely powerful, is just not practical for a console. Consoles need a strong GPU and Ram. 360 had twice the ram of the ps3, therefore bottlenecking any potential the cell may have had. Blu-ray is just a storage device. Why sony put 256 of on board ram is beyond my comprehension. They added another 256 in virtual but that is meaningless. To me, that is the single biggest problem w/ the system and why developers are having such a hard time with textures and draw distances. That, added with blu-ray's slower read times is a very bad combo. If ps3 wouldve doubled the ram on board to match 360, ps3 would've have the edge hands down.
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