@computernoises: I do kinda apologize. Just being a fan of the FF franchise for so long, it just rubbed me the wrong way every time he mentioned it!!
Being a responsible journalist, regardless of how their personal experience is with the series, I just would've expected him to do some "extra" homework or at least not phrase the title so we expect that he was going to give us some knowledgeable insight into the series.
Think the title to this video was a little misleading. Was expecting someone experienced and familiar with the franchise passing their knowledge onto newcomers. Instead, we got someone who kept referring to this as the 15th iteration in mainline series - XV does mean 15, but Final Fantasy XV, is not the 15th part of the series.
Prior to this "players first" thing, EA never bothered me. Dlc never appealed to me or I always waited for a gold edition, I always felt by the time I finished a game I usually had enough of what the game had to offer regardless of whether I bothered with every collectable or whatever.
The sims4 and some of EA's sport franchises this year have changed my mind - this is BS! Really hope they don't mess Dragon Age.
GS seems to insist on having 2 guys chat about games. Even during events, they'd have a veteran of the genre and some doofus making a right ass of themselves. Why?
With sports in particular, only people interested in playing the game are going to watch the interviews/gameplay, why have someone with no knowledge interupt with annoying comments and spoiling it for the viewers?
@DemonRax Hmm... did they really have to put that in there? I can imagine the senior exec jumping around the office saying "yay, yay!! put that in there" with the rest of the staff thinking what I'm thinking...
@DarkLight748 @DirkXXVI Yeah levelling isn't really needed in this type of game. Seems like they're just using it to appeal to the "rpg/open-world" audience...
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