@frylock616 I accepted this at first, but then heard the Japanese Snake is coming back. And really, its a video game, who cares if the voice doesn't make sense?
I know they probably won't, but Nintendo should appeal. They get their 3D tech from Sharp, so even if the tech is his, which I doubt, Nintendo is not liable in any way. And Sony has nothing to do with this.
I understand what Kojima is saying, but I don't think the word "misleading" is right. Trailers don't need to be misleading, but they can be fun or dramatic and still properly advertise.
The least they could do is release the Wii U version as planned and make it a "timed exclusive". I wouldn't mind it going multiplat if they hadn't touted it as a Wii U exclusive. They should've just made it multiplatform in the first place.
While Nintendo can be behind the times (still no accounts not tied to the system) they are one of my favorite game companies for a reason. That Nintendo Direct was great and MUCH better than E3. People actually enjoy the games they put out and realize that, aside from a few annoying cases(NSMB) they don't recycle games. I mean, people actually complained about how different Super Mario Sunshine was. And why does Nintendo get some many "journalists" complaining about their every single misstep but Sony and Microsoft get a free pass just because?
P.S. We should really be wondering why Yoshi's Epic Yarn isn't Yoshi's Island 3.
Honestly I thought Pikmin 2 was far more stressful. I mean, The Waterwraith was WAY more stressful than any time limit. I'm still looking forward to Pikmin 3 quite a bit.
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