This is a list of the fivevideo game moments that are most memorable to me. This is not the ten best moments, just ten moments that stick out in my mind.
#5 Call of Duty 4 (XBOX360) The ending.
Your partner slides you a pistol and you have to take out your enemy andhis two goon while lying down injured in the middle of a wrecked bridge. AWESOME!!! Video
#4 Pokemon Crystal (GBC) Finally getting Ho-oh.
This probably wasn't very memorable to most people but it is to me because i always had a very hard time doing it. For those who don't know, getting Ho-oh in crystal is a lot harder than getting him in gold or silver. In g/s you just went to some place and he was there. In crystal you have to first catch suicune, raikou and entei before you can get ho-oh. Every time I played through crystal I would get impatient and just use my masterball on raikou or entei and then be unable to catch Ho-oh. It was only last year on maybe my 8th or 9th time playing the game that I finally got ho-oh.
#3 Paper Mario (N64) The torch puzzle from Bowser's castle.
Basically the puzzle was there was several rooms with an exit on the upper floor and an exit on the lower floor. You had to go through the correct exit in each room to move forward. The clue was that in the room before there was a pattern of torches. Some were high, others were low, indicating which exit you should take and in what order. It's weird. I knew what I was supposed to do. I knew the order I was supposed to use. But I never for the life of me was able to get through!!!! Eventually one day my friend came over when i was playing. I explained to him what you had to do. He said "oh that's so easy!!!" and promptly completed the puzzle!! I was shocked but that quickly went away because it was time to fight Bowser. About a year later I was playing the game again. I got to the torch puzzle and couldn't do it. So I called my friend up and he did it no problem. To this day I always have trouble with the torches, although I have managed to make it through once or twice but only by pure luck.
#2 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time(N64) Seven years have passed...
Becoming old link. After first seeing this moment i was in awe for about a week. It was just so amazing. You ake up in the temple of time to find that seven years have passed. You are now older and stronger, but some of the weapons from your childhood no longer work. And then you go outside and see the destruction brought on by ganondorf ovcer the last seven years. It's absolutely amazing. This one scene is what makes Ocarina of Time so amazing for me.
#1 Super Mario RPG: The Legend of the Seven Stars (SNES) Fighting Smithy
Its amazing that this moment can beat out the awe inspiring Temple of Time. But to me it's more memorable, simply because the boss fight was so fricken long!! Smithy is not your average Mario boss. But then again Super Mario RPG was not your average Mario game. He constantly transforms, forcing you to change your strategie. He probably killed Geno about 20 times throughout the battle so its a good thing Peach can revive fallen allies. Plus the battle goes through several stages, with each harder than the last.
So there you have it, my top five most memorable video game moments. Were these moments memorable to you? Have some other moments you think were memorable? Leave a comment!!!
And some other stuff...
I got the sixth pure heart in Super Paper Mario. Just two more left!!!
And I have a new banner. From left to right: Paper Luigi, Mario, Toon Link, Charizard, Megaman (Battle Network Version), and Mallow from Super Mario RPG.