OK first things first sorry for the lack of blogs recently. I've been around the site, just nothing really to write about or more often just too lazy. But right now for once I really feel like blogging so I'll let you know what I've been up to (not like anyone will be reading this seeing as how its been a good couple months since my last blog:P)
My gaming periods seem to go in phases. I get really into one game, play it excessively and exclusively, then some time later take a bit of a break from gaming or move on to a new game. As you probably guessed from my last blog, a couple moths ago I was really into Animal Crossing. When the Conduit came out I got really into it, but then ended up going back to AC. But now kind of randomly I am in the midst of a new gaming phase. A series I am quite familiar with, and one that, dare I say it, IS MY FAVOURITE SERIES EVER (yes it beats out Metroid, Zelda or Mario) The funny part is that this series is actually a spin off, and aren't those supposed to suck?
Mega Man Battle Network
I love these games. (Just check my banner.) I own all six of course, although four were bought used but whatever they play fine and who doesn't like to save money? I am in the process of completing BN2 but just for kicks decided I would play some BN6 and take another crack at Bass of ProtomanFZ. Well well well, what started out as simple boss fights ended with an all nighter (not really, bed at maybe 4am) of BN6. I had assumed the Bass I fought earlier was the final optional boss considering how much trouble he gave me. It was a year and a half or so when I first faced him and since then my netbattle skills have much improved so I am sure he would not seem to hard now. But anyways, I manned up and got all the standard chips figuring all it would get me is the cool title screen icon, completely forgetting about the bonus area that opens up. It was a nice surprise when I stumbled into the graveyard and discovered a door that had previously been locked was now open!! What was behind this door? BassSP, the same boss who had owned me a year and a half ago, but a much improved version. Like I said I am much better at the game now, but I still had a ton of problems with this boss. Long story short, 2 hours later I had him beat.
BUT NO! Bass just does not die. I was looking into Program Advances online when I read a hint section mentionally you fight Bass in the underground. I assumed this was a typo but I decided what the heck I'll give it a go. Bam. BassBX. A third and hardest version of a boss whose easiest version I once found impossible. Well I won't bore you with the details, but two or so hours later I went online and found a sick strategy to deal with BassBX's 3700 or so HP. Long story short I was able to do around 2500 damage with one single hit which definitely helped a little:D So yeah I feel like the freakin' man right now after beating BassBX. The hardest BN boss that I can think of, and it really showed me how much better at this game I am getting. Too bad this is a GBA game cause some wifi would be awesome!
Basically to sum this who thing up I am back into BN and hardcore into it at that. I will probably go back BN2 for a bit and try and beat it, then start going for S ranks and SP chips from the BN6 bosses.
Oh and here is my conduit FC if anyone is interested.