I platinumed Borderlands. Great game and I am happy to have it be my first platinum. You never forget your first time :P I had a bit written on Borderlands, but I accidentally closed my browser and I do not feel like typing it again. I really should blog in word first. C'est la vie, all you really need to know is I like the game and am currently playing the Secret Armory of General Knoxx DLC and enjoying it as challenging as it is.
Before FFXIII was released I was very exciting for it and assumed it would be a day one buy. I mean come on, it's final fantasy, next gen. What's not to love? But for whatever reason, leading up to the release I all of sudden lost interest in it. I don't really know why i'm just not feeling it, but there are some reasons that don't have to do with the game (and some that do).
-As big of a Final Fantasy fan as I am, I do not own a FF game past FFVI. I have played parts of VIII and X and enjoyed them, but I only own the old school ones. And I love them. I think I am so used to thinking of FF as a SNES title or a GBA/DS port that the idea of a full on HD FF game seems unreal to me. Plus, I am used to the magic and almost medieval style of gameplay of old school Final Fantasy games.
-I am backlogged. Oblivion, Assassin's Creed (first one), Prince of Persia, NSMBWii, Borderlands DLC, Zelda Spirit Tracks, Orange Box, plus more I think I am forgetting all need to be played. I don't need a new game, i just want one and have the disposable income to waste on video games.
-I am really busy right now with school and other activites. With exams coming up a new game doesn't make sense. If I do have time to game it wont be very much.
-Reviews are good, but all seem to portray the game as all flash and no substance. I'm talking about awe inspiring visuals and animation, even great characters and emotion, but underneath limiting character building and linear exploration. All the reviews and everyone I have talked to say this isn't a serious problem, but it definitely has been on my mind when i think about getting the game.
I guess its pretty clear why I haven't bough FFXIII yet. But I still feel weird about it. I was looking forward to the game so much for so long my sudden decline in interest surprises even myself. Don't get me wrong, I will buy this game at some poing I know I will, maybe even in a week or so when spring break starts. Regardless, I want to hear your pitch. Convince me to buy this game because I am very much on the fense about it.