The Good (in no perticular order and mostly about games)
Just a great game and the level of polish the game had should try to be replicated in all games. All the extras from trophies to stickers, all the different stages and all the different characters there was just so much stuff in the game. Online would've been sweet but the local multiplayer is unmatched in my opinion. Get some friends over and have a tournament it is really a blast. The game sets it up perfectly for you, telling you who is playing, which controller to pick up so having a tournament with like 8+ friends is a breeze.
I fricken love this show. I got into it this year and borrowed the first three seasons from my friend. Then for Christmas I got season 4 on DVD. The show is just amazing in every sense of the word. The acting is good, the plot is good with enough twists to keep you interested and most memorable to me are the characters. They are all so deep and unique it just makes the show fun to watch.
Call of Duty: World at War Wii is actually a decent game!!!
I know I was shocked too! The campaign is great (it's the same one from the 360/PS3 versions) and the online really is a blast.
"In Rainbows" a great CD
OK let me start off by saying in the US and Canada the actually disc copy was released January 1st, 2008 so this is a 2008 story. But it was possible to download the cd online for whatever price you wanted to (no joke) sometime in october 2007 i think. Anyways it was a great CD from a great band. I perticularly liked "Jogsaw Falling into Place", "15 Steps" and "Weird Fishes/Arpeggi"
A Good Year for the DS
The DS really stood out in 2008, and even though the system war had long since been decided, the DS showed us once again it is ahead of the PSP. (ok I have nothin against the PSP, but just from a personal standpoint I have to say the DS is the handheld for me because of its game library and touch screen. In no way am I saying that if you chose the PSP over the DS you made the wrong choice, I am just saying that to me the right choice was the DS.) But moving on, the DS stood out with its great games like Final Fantasy IV, Chrono Trigger, The World Ends With You (still gotta pick that up) Professor Layton and more i cant think of right now.
Nintendo starts to get in on the online action
Ok well they really missed the target on Brawl, but Mario Kart had really fun, lag free online, the Wii finally has voice chat, Animal Crossing CF has a pretty laid back online mode that can be fun, CoD WaW has great FPS online. WiiWare started up, and the VC started getting some highly requested titles (Super Mario RPG). It certainly wasn't as big a step as I would have liked, but at least Nintendo made a step in the right direction this past year with online play.
World of Goo
Innovative, engaging, artistic, challenging, breathtaking OST and all for just $15. Best $15 bucks I spent all of 2008.
The bad (once again mostly gaming and in no real order)
I want a PS3...
I played the Metal Gear demo at a friends house. Amazing. I really want to play Little Big Planet. The Blu-ray player and all the other multi media features are really handy so I want a PS3!!! But if I buy one, this will be the first generation I have bought more than one console. I think this just might be a phase... the PS3 has just been looking really good lately but after awhile my lust will wear off and i will be happy with my Wii. Not that I'm unhappy with my Wii or anything, I just think a PS3 would be a nice addition to me gaming.
Brawl has no online
*edit Haha i actually posted it as that. Then I was skimming over the blog and remember that Brawl actually has online. It is just really lame and laggy. It is only fun if you play against friends, but even then it's very... lacking to say the least.
It's rediculous. I don't know how Nintendo could've missed the boat so hard with this one. The game was made for multiplayer, and although I've always been the type of gamer who prefers local multiplayer to online, sometimes you just can't play local. The online could've been intense, with leaderboards, rankings, different playlists for different game types.... ah so much wasted potential! I don'y even care that the game has no voice chat, if anything that would've made it better because I wouldn't have to listen to silly noobs complaining about so called cheap item kills. OK its Super Smash. Cheap items are part of the game, they make it what the game is. But if the online had been great, there would have been a no item playlist so this imaginary stupid noob could've have had a game were he wouldn't be able to complain. AHHHHH it pains to me to think about all the good times I could've had.... darn you Nintendo on this one.
Cheap items on Mario Kart
After just writing about how cheap items were part of the game in Brawl I am going to write about how cheap items destroy Mario Kart. Basically it was too far in this game. The cheap items in Brawl weren't so cheap that a noob could beat a skilled veteran Brawler with luck. Brawl you fought for the items, and there was strategy involved with using them and dodging them. Too bad for MK. You get items with pure luck, and it was not uncommon to go from 12th to first in a single lap with just a bullet bill and some shells. The cheap items really hurt the game, but it was still a fun game just once again, wasted potential.
ok nothing new here. Although once again I managed to do quite well in school without really trying to hard so no complaints.
Having trouble finding the games from more than a year ago
I got my DS October 2007, and my Wii February 2008. So I missed out on alot of great games. Well not that many with the wii. But with my DS I ended up resorting to eBay for some of the games such as Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time. And I looked all over for Advance Wars Dual Strike but never did find it. I bought Days of Ruin when it came out but after playing it I think I would've been much happier with Dual Strike. Too bad.
Megaman Starforce
I love the Battle Network games. But starforce? It's supposedly the continuation of the series on the DS, but with no graphics upgrade, annoying as hell characters, weak, weak story.... ARGH!
So yeah that was some of my likes and dislikes this past year. Obviously there are way more than what I listed but I am getting tired and want to go to bed. Let me know what you liked/disliked in 2008