Hey so you may remember awhile back I tried to start up a union for CoD WaW Wii. It was going to be part union part clan, emphasis on the union aspect though. And by that I mean it was not going to be a super competitive clan just a group who play together, play to win but don't freak out if they lose. The union would be for talking about games, the game in general, and some off topic as well. Well long story short the union fell through and I had to wait 30 days to try again. Well my thirty days are up and I am trying again!!! I already have a couple charter members but I need more to make sure the union actually happens this time. Please if you are able to, let me know and become a charter! It would really, really help if you play the game lol but seriously if you are willing to charter that is all I need. Naturally if you dont play the game once we got more members I would remove you from the officers, but I would never forget your act of kindness!!!!!:D:D:D
So, yeah, help a brother out and charter for this union. Or if you know someone who would charter send them over to me.
The clan name is not set in stone yet but 3lite_fighter suggest Guys, Guns, and Grenades. The clan tag would be [G3] I really like the name and it works well for a clan tag. My only problem with this is that I don't want to give the impression that the union is only for guys. I'm sure most people will realize that we are using "guys" as a term for everyone, or even simply because the characters in the game are guys, but still I am slightly worried that the union may appear to be sexist in some way. Thoughts? Am I making too big an issue out of this?