Credit to bob_newman who posted this link in the wii forums.
perticularly the part about the tiered system in gaming. It really explains how games people call "casual" aren't actually casual games. And the section about how lazy devs simply think of so called casual games as retard games" explains a lot of the crap shovelware that exists.
A good quote from the article in case you are too lazy to read the whole article (but please do its a really interesting read)
"If there's only one piece of advice that I could give to the managers of third party companies, it would be that a lot of times it seems that when they're putting games out on Nintendo hardware, those games are being developed by their third-string team or their fourth-string team. Maybe that's because they see those products as being unique projects or somewhat smaller-scale projects. But when Nintendo puts out a title that is designed to really support and sell its hardware, that title is always developed by one of our number one teams. And so I think that when it comes to the question of trying to compete with our software, I would really like to see the parties try to do that with their number one teams rather than with the third- or fourth-string teams. [Laughs.]"
-Shigeru Miyamoto, Gamespot Article:
I knew it all along but finally I have solid proof.