Is it just me, or does he appear to be talking to a random spot on a wall and they just switch among a few different camera feeds? Feels very impersonal to me.
Kinda hard not to go to the National Championship when invitation is based on rankings, and the SEC always has over half its members start the season in the top 25. If instead all school started the season tied on rankings and you moved up based on performance and stats, the SEC wouldn't fair as well as they do.
@digitdan Where does it say that, it only states that in the past users haven't used the new systems to play the old games; so why invest time and resources to make a system backwards compatible (which would make the system more expensive only to add a feature that 95% of users won't use).
You can continue to enjoy all your content on the xbox360.
I love how its mostly haters that find the time to post. I guess everyone else is to busy enjoying their systems.
As for backward compatibility, part of the nostalgia of playing the older titles is playing them on the original system. If you don't want to keep the old system, then don't keep the old games.
pkolenic's comments