For the past few months I have been putting in job applications. Finally last Friday I got a call from one of the companies that I put in a application for to set up for a interview. The crap part is, is that I don't even know what the hell I applied for there. Its for some insurance company I know that much, but what I will be doing there, I haven't got a clue.
I scheduled a interview for this Friday 9/8 at 2 pm. I took the day off at my current job that way I wouldn't be pressured to drive like a bad out of hell to get there. Ill probably do a few other things that day, like wash my car, see a movie, get drunk earlier....if I feel that the interview went good and I'm in a relatively good mood.
The main point is, is that nothing would make me feel better then to tell my current job to go "Shove it." There are a few down sides to the getting a new job though. I don't know about anybody else, but I will miss a few of my co-workers but that's why man invented phones and email. Also my new job I will be a complete stranger and have to start all over again, but hopefully it wont take me as long, and I can tell the same stupid stories and it will be new to them. Ill have a clean slate and start off with a good foot.
I don't care if I'm doing the same thing at my new job, if I get paid more, I'm so f'ing there! Not to mention if I get my new job, I'm going to party so hard. For the next 2 weeks, I wont even care if I come in with a hangover at my current job everyday, I'm going to drink till I vomit every night, and then some on the weekends.
Here's to sunnier skies.