lol IDK about you guys but, i wouldn't plan on buyin the 3870 now. The default price I have seen everywhere is 250. If you are willing to pay that much, go on newegg and get 8800GT for 270 w/ Crysis or Company of Heroes. However when the price goes down I plan on getting 3870's in crossfire and maybe a 8800GT sli setup on another rig. Best of 2 worlds :) And no Im not a fanboy because Im 18 and i dont need to act like a 11 year who sings the praises of his favorite company. Even though I am leaning towards nvidia now, I usually go towards what I think has the best performance and value. Gonna have to work my ass off to get that money and get a new rig to get the 3870 setup. @*@* hate working at best buy.
man this is the 2nd time im lookin at this and im laffin my ass off. tim duncan looks like a chimp in 2k8 and a 80 year old guy in nba 08 lol. nash looks like a alien in 08 lol and t-mac has the biggest head and nose in 08 lol lololol but seriously didnt EA realize that they were screwin up the eyes wen they made this game? or ar they already that bad wen it comes to makin sport games
LOL dude i got so scared lookin at nba live's t-mac picture lol. Nba 08 is the worst game graphically. i mean none of the players even come close. most of them have too large noses or heads. nba live wud've even been more better if evry1 wasnt cross eyed
LOL LOL nba live has the best but some guys r cross eyed. iin 2k8 duncan looks like a chimp and in nba 08 EVERYBODY looks wrong lol i mean duncan looks like he's 80 LOL this is so funny im laughing my a** off
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