So there's alot of commotion over our latest school dance. Apparently there was alot of parental concern over some of the dancing moves going down. The main concern was that these moves weren't moves at all but actually lap dances where you didn't pay the chick and you still got jiggy. F**k. I knew I should have gone to that dance. But the way it was described in a parent letter made it seem like the entire senior class came and gang raped some innocent 12 year old Christian with dreams of being a veterinarian and waiting til she was married to "consummate her love".
I guess my opinion is that girls didn't want guys staring at them like this they would where some effing clothes. I mean what other reason could girls have for wearing these clothes?
Well I decided to find out. I went around asking females why they where such revealing clothing.
1. They are lesbians and need a reason to hate men
2. Less fabric means less cost (is this true?)
3. They forgot to dress
4. They can't find any other clothing at the mall
5. It's their favorite article of clothing they've had since they were 5 and have just outgrown it.
6. A terrorist planted a bomb in them that will go off if they where skirts to low (this is being turned into a Keanu Reeves movie where he has to have sex with the girl to disarm the bomb.Its directed and written by Keanu Reeves dick apparently- that sly bastard.)
7. All of the below
8. All of the above
Okay so some interesting thoughts...
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