I've been hearing people that say Cuphead is super hard, but the game looks and seems like it would play beautifully. I just came here if anyone could advise me on what to do.
PlatinumPluto's forum posts
I personally don't care about exclusives, especially on PS4. I usually just buy games that are on both platforms and sometimes on Steam. People somehow freak out about exclusives, when the other games that are on different platforms are just as good (except for the EA debacle.) You shouldn't buy a console/PC just for an exclusive game on there. It varies between the quality of the platform. I personally prefer Xbox, but anyone out there who likes PS4 better can't use the excuse that PS4 is better because of exclusives, and Xbox has been picking up its pace again. There is nothing wrong with liking PS4 though, just not exclusives.
I've been annoyed by my friend recently because he has been trying to force me to like PC gaming and make me like the Java version of Minecraft. Why does he act like this? Is he just a fanboy? He also takes for granted the fact that he has a PC and a console both! Heck, I got my very first console last month! He also thinks that whatever he thinks is right, he believes it is right, including that nobody likes Google, which obviously not true. Also, if I try to talk him out of it, he always stays hard-headed and never considers anything. What can I say to him?
@Macutchi: Hmm, I don't know, I mean, I do get a headache after like, 5 hours non-stop. Other than that, I feel fine. Computers are a different case though.
I have an Xbox One S and I recently bought Terraria. I didn't really like it because the controls are bad and I kinda want to get a refund because I spent over $250 on my Xbox and games. I only have like $50 left that I'll be paying for my Xbox and I'm paying for Xbox Live Gold. I want to get some money back by giving back Terraria. One thing though, I got all my games digitally. Is there still a way to send it back?
Hmm, I got an Xbox One S on the 21st but I don't have any other consoles, sorry that I can't help :(
I feel you, my parents think the same and I am in a situation similar to yours. They think my Xbox is my life and they got sucked into that whole "the television turns your brain into mush" urban legend.
I honestly think that if you are on a budget but you don't want a regular Xbox One, get the Xbox One S. If you are a core-gamer and you binge-play a lot, go with the Xbox One X. There is no need to spend more money on something that is irrelevant to you like more specs if you don't game as much as core-gamers do.
You could've bought an Xbox One to get the newer triple-a games. Currently, the Xbox 360 is not really a convenience to buy. It's like buying a Wii when it is outdated and Nintendo has deemphasized it. As far as games though, I would recommend games like Forza, Minecraft, or other things you can mess around with.
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