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College Classes *Update*

Well, i started my college classes on Monday of this week, and i must say, my English 113 teacher is really awkward. But in a good way. I hope so at least. He is pretty cool, i have no quarrels with him, my sociology teacher is cool as well. Just not the book for his class, the book for his class is boring as sh!t man, and i have to share one with my girlfriend which makes it worse because i like to read sh!t on my own time. I'm going to need my own book man, i cannot stand this sharing crap. But there is something else irking my nerves. For our school (DECA) when we take college classes we have to turn in little slips called Attendance Logs, from our teacher at the beginning or end or each week, to track our progress of going to our classes. Well, she hasn't taken the intuitive to give us the slips to track our progress and all that, so my mom trippin and "creating" me a slip. Look ok, if nobody else is doing it, and they aren't providing the right slips to do so, then why do them. If they aren't taking the intuitive the do so, why do it. It's pointless.