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Mods!! Aren't They Cool?!!

Obviously, many of you can tell just by the title that i am being highly sarcastic about this. Now, i rarely visit the Forums on GS, i am usually in one of my many unions creating more posts and being slightly happy, but then it hit me like a ton of make shift bricks. Mods are some **** holes. Don't mod me for this, just hear me out. I go to the forums rarely, like i said, and when i am there, i usually find mods bein so damn stuck up and so high and mighty about nothing. I mean, oh yeah, i actually pay to be on this website while like 10 million Basic user's are on here talkin smack, let me mod them. I mean seriously, like, i was in one of those discussions, and i can't remember which forum it was, but man oh man, this guy or girl said something, and i can't remember what he or she said (nice detail isn't it, lol) and all the mods came flocking like pigeons at newly thrown bread. I mean, he was getting flamed like it was nothin. I kinda felt sorry for the lil guy, but hey, all in a days work.