My Last Day
by platinumrug05 on Comments
Today was the last day of school, and might i say, it was very interesting. First off, let me fast forward to the end of the day, becuz that was the most interesting. My school held a Madden Tournament, and like, (it was only for people in out school, lol) and they had 5 T.V.'s. So they had an extra T.V. just for other people. It was connected to a gamecube, while the other t.v.'s had ps2's and xbox's on them. So of course, they're all playing sports games, so i go to the GC. They playin SSBM, and i was dominatin on there man, they couldn't stop me. I was a force on there man, i'm tellin ya'll. I lost like only once. First time i played the game in like 6 months, and i was beastin n!ggaz that been playin it for like EVER!!!!!!!! But yeah, i was beastin, they had free pizza, so i was smashin on some pizza. So like, the principles secretary comes in, and like we had a list for people to be there, and like, i wasn't on the list cuz i wasn't in the tournament, but we had our own lil tournament over in the GC area. But yeah, she came in, and she was talkin smack like, you're not supposed to be here Ishmail, leave here, go to class (IT'S DA LAST F***in DAY B!TCH GET OFF MY BACK). And there was other fools in there that wasn't supposed to be there, did she get on them? HELL NO!!!!!!! So like, she spoke to one of my friends that was hostin the thing, and like i wasn't on the list n sh!t. So like i got pissed at her, and i said "GO GET SOME OTHER N!GGA" real loud. Mind you that our secretary is WHITE!!!!! So all my friends started laughing n sh!t. But like b4 all this happened, back when i was smashin on the pizza, one of my friends got into a fight with a freshman, and she supposedly got her ass whooped, and i like felt bad for her, cuz my girlfriend texted me sayin that she got her ass handed to her. So i'm like damn. That was my day, and like my HR teacher gave us cookies to take home, i had one taste of both and toss them b!tches real quick. She was like, where did the cookies go that i gave u? I was like, those things was nasty, so i tossed em. She was all like, i can't believe that. So my GF talkin about, he rude and he prolly got em in his BB, i was dead serious, i did not have them. It was funny.