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New College Classes

I am taking TWO college classes this quarter, i cannot stand the lady in charge of making that happen. I think she has it in for me, me and my girlfriend were discussing this earlier in the month. Because i have the ONLY teacher who requires a different set of books than the other ones, which really strikes me as odd now that i think about it. Luckily, i have a little white as%hole here to help me on finding these sort of things for me. Because i desperately need the help. We are taking ONE class together (it's funny, out of all the time i have known her, i have never had the same class with her, or been in one of her classes) it's Sociology, and it sounds boring, but i just want a reason to NOT come to DECA in the morning. Then i have to take English 113, these things are kicking my morbid black ass man. Don't mind the morbid part, i just added that in for good measures. But yeah, wish me luck on getting a good grade in these classes. Well, bus will come any minute now, so i better get off of here and go ok. Peace ya'll.