New Year; New Things
by platinumrug05 on Comments
When a new year roll arounds, it's supposed to be a time where you make plans to do things differently. Well, i am staying the same person, not doing anything different. Well, that's all going to change, like i previously mentioned, i am taking college classes. So i am going to need to be able to step up my game on my work if i want to pas my gateway. But to keep it real though, I think my school tryna keep some of us here for a grip. We got SIX gateways to pass in FOUR years. With each passing gateway, each one gets more difficult. I find that very annoying for some reason. But like i was saying, i find it very annoying, and i just can't believe they want us to do that. The students who been here ever since the school first started, are supposedly graduating in 2007. Well, if i REALLY wanted to, i could pass when they leave, and be done with high school persay. What do ya'll think?