Not Gonna Be!!!!!
by platinumrug05 on Comments
On GS like that anymore. My dumbass school is bullsh!ttin, and they're takin it out on us. They lied on the lil resume type thing that students had homework each night, and since me, i do my homework when i straight get home, or either i finish it before school ends. But yeah, parents started to gripe about this crap, and so my time may be a lil restricted (my decision, not parents or anything) on the computer, especially goin here. So i would just like to inform you all about this new developement and all that. I actually have to do homework each night, and all that crap. And keep up man, this sh!t is gettin real stressful, but i can handle it. But yeah, i'm gonna be gone for a while, so if you read my blog, and if you are in ANY of my unions, could you be so kind as to tell them of this, and if they have any questions, just tell them to consult my blog for further questions. I know this sounds a little weird coming from me, but hey, that's how life goes, people change and all that. So yeah, today's gonna be like my last day on here, like FULLY on here, actually postin and all that. And to think that i was gonna try to reach 10000 and take a break. I'm only over 9500. Well, it doesn't matter. Peace everybody.