Ownage, Rapage, All of The Above
by platinumrug05 on Comments
Boi, i just got back (maybe an hour ago or so) from playin Perfect Dark 0 online. Well, my friend Kutt Calhoun (just called Kutt on here) talks about his one EX-friend that he and some of my friends doesn't like anymore because he has auto-aim on and he talks sh!t. So like, i found out that i had it on like a few weeks ago, but i never said anything because i never thought about it like that. So i try to play games without usin it, and MAN, at first, i was gettin raped beyond belief, i could not believe how i was gettin raped so badly when i'm used to doing the raping. So afterwards, me, my friend Blu3wolf and Kutt Calhoun are playing against like four other people, and i was like the last one left, and it was the same on the other team. Well, i still had the auto-aim off and it wasn't easy for me. So i got screwed basically, and my friends bagged on me about it, but they did it in a way where i was just pissed. So i signed off, turned my 360 off and everything. But my pride was telling me to get back on and avenge it. So i got back on, got into the same match, put my headset on MUTE, and went into OWNAGE mode. This is a mode that i only achieve when needed. It sorta happens, i can't control it (i wish i could). So i'm ownin like the entire team by myself and i am provin my point of bein a BEAST without the usage of auto-aim, and they were apologizing and crackin me up. Blu left and i decided i wanted to talk, and me and Kutt were having a conversation about me being so mad i HAD to, i mean i HAD to go into OWNAGE mode. What a glorious day?