Platinum saves the day!!! [Xbox Live Edition]
by platinumrug05 on Comments
Well, another one of my online adventures earned me even more respect of course. Let me tell you all the story. Two days ago on Xbox Live, i was playing a simple match with some of my friends, Blu3wolf, Diamond Vu and a few other people. And there were n00bs on the other team to put it simple, i had revive kits, but if i did that, i would run the risk of getting killed and ending the match. So i had only a little bit of health left, and NO ARMOR. All i had was a shottie against three people, one with a shield and a falcon, another one with a shotgun as well, and another one with a DW-P5. I OBLITERATED every single last one of them, and won the match with only a slither of health left. The one with the DW was trying to snipe me from the Casino, but it wouldn't work for him because he was a n00b, so i was facin off against the shottie person, no one can beast me with that weapon, that is MY weapon of choice, along with an RCP-90. I killed the shottie guy, let my health go back up, then the shield guy came out, i almost lost against him, but i managed to kill him. Then the DW guy tried to hop out the Casino window and kill me, but i was blastin him when he was tryin to come out, and when he hit the street, i was blastin him even more, and then i friggin killed him and won the match. I got so much praise afterwards. I am a beast.