Platinumrug05 Brings the Review
by platinumrug05 on Comments
Ok, so i know most of you probably know that the new maps for Perfect Dark Zero are out and downloadable for 500 microsoft points, for those who actually have PDZ. Well, i'm here to bring you a review of what you'll expect in each level. Also, i would appreciate if you would rate me on how well i reviewed each new level. Rooftops- Of course, i know most of you have played the rooftops level in the single player and hopefully at least once on the co-op part. Well, it is basically the same level, except it has been completely rehauled. There are still rooftops and places for snipers to get an advantage on the opposition, but those can be easily found due to close inspection. Also if you're one of those people who love throwing laptops everywhere, this is the perfect (and when i saw perfect I MEAN IT) level for you guys. There are so many places to toss and laptop and watch it rip away on your opponent(s). Also, be warned though, this is a sprayers paradise. You guys know who i'm talking about, those n00bs who [as soon as they see] open fire on you and spray your entire life away, yeah this level is perfect for them. Also, for people who love UGL's and Mines, this place is perfect as well, you just have to know where to put them in order for them to be effective, because the keen eye can easily spot a mine if careful and cautious. There's a lot of twists and turns in this level, so if you don't know your way around, be prepared for some backtracking. Overall, this level gets an 8.5/10. Trench- I already know i'm going to like this level, because in this level there is no place to hide. There are places where if you position yourself right you might make it a decent hiding space, but really, there's no where to run. Camping is almost illegal in this level, because even if you do the opposition has the upperhand on you. If they're skilled that is, if they're not they're walking into a trap. This is one of those levels that are perfect for ONE on ONE confrontations. This is a decent place for laptops and mines and UGL's, but me i wouldn't recommend it. Since it does have an open space for RCP weapon holding folks to easily see badly placed mines or UGL's, or laptops for that matter. Also for infection players, this level is not good for you, considering there is no GOOD place to hide, so scratch that out. Although i said there are no hiding places, there are a few, underground. But if you want ground level action, no hiding no where. Not unless you make the map small. Eradication vets, this place is simply perfect for those clan matches. Overall, i give Trench a 9.6/10. Plaza- Let me start off by saying when i played this level in the demo, it sucked ass to me. No doubt. But now that i see the thing again in a different light, i actually think it would be a WONDERFUL match for Sabotage or infection. Me, i wouldn't recommend infection because the ones who are the skeletons, keep this in mind, you can get easily spotted in this level. At least from what i saw, if you're not careful. If you shoot all the lights out, it can make for an interesting match for people who love to box or just have a pistol as the main weapon. SMG's are kinda unfair in this map, at least to me it is. Also, do NOT buy snipers on this round or put snipers on this round, mainly because there is not point to do so, and also because for a skilled sniper you could probably get some nice kills, but since the level is so enclosed it wouldn't be hard for someone to find you once you've shot off a bullet. Overall i give Plaza a 8/10. Gasplant- Now, before you all get excited about this level, Gasplant is just an extended (and when i say extended I MEAN IT) and ULTIMATELY better version of the Tower level. It takes place outside mostly and there is snow on the ground with trees and lots of places to hide for cowards. Also for all you infection people, this map is THE ULTIMATE INFECTION MAP, no lies here. This map is bigger and better than Tower, it's just the tower, but instead of a tower, you get a gasplant. Inside the gasplant, it gets tricky because if you're using the secondary function of the RCP or Superdragon it gets a little bright in that room. Not unless you like brightness then go striaght ahead. Erad might not be so good on this level, i'm saying this because i despise tower, and i probably will despise this level as well. Stairwells and entrances that you don't see unless you look define this place with a passion. But overall i give Gasplant a 8.2/10. Also, to clarify everything, every new map's variation is only small, random and base 1+2. There is no 2+3 or 3+4. Just to let you guys know that. Thanks for reading all of this, enjoy the new maps.