I'm usually the type of gamer that likes to try almost everything (remotely interesting) that gets released for any system. So, in the months leading up to the release of SCEA's Shadow of the Colossus, I read the previews and kept an open mind about the game. I have to admit the premise of the title sounded interesting and it was created by the team that brought us ICO, so it had to be good. Well, after a trip to the local Gamestop (God I hate that place), I picked up SoC and eagerly awaited the beginning of my journey through the land of light.
After playing the game for a couple of hours and having defeated the first three colossi (btw. colossuses is also correct as a co-worker calmly explained to me; look it up on dictionary.com if you don't believe me), I had to stop playing!
When you experience something as gripping or as astoundingly breathtaking as SoC, my philosophy is to not over-do it and spoil the experience by playing it all at once. That said, rarely has a game come along where I refused to take my eyes off of the screen (save the three save screens mind you), for the entirety of the experience. To say that this game is captivating is a major understatement. If you don't already own SoC, just go out and buy it, even if you're too busy to play it now...trust me when you have a long weekend to sit and leisurely play through this adventure, you'll thank me.
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