and because sony is so in tune with their gaming public they'll totally listen to this and take all your advice to heart. I know it sounds weird to give a company a personality, but sony is too stuck up to listen to anyone when it comes to their console. lets look at history. the atari failed because warner shut out bushnell. sega failed because they ignored the people's needs from the end of the genesis all the way through to the dreamcast, which they got right but by that time it was to late. Neo Geo was a failure because it cost to much and only really appealed to the hardcore gamer. now look at nintendo and microsoft. the gaming division of microsoft is being run by a bunch of young guys who actually find out what people want. Nintendo has miyamoto to come up with the crazy ideas, reggie to encourage or tone down said ideas and the recklessness to do anything they damn well please. Sony only has the latter.
much as i would love to see the nintndo stuff, everybody is forgetting that nintendo ahs little to no official presence at TGS. note that the games htye have there are third party. of course, with any luck we will get some wii info (and possibly an announment of future TGS plans.
my compy isn't that bad, but it won't run HL2 at a decent frame rate so i think it qualifys. i have found that pretty much any RTS will run great on it. further max payne 2 runs fine. of course, it all comes down to HL and Duke Nukem. actually, doom works on XP as well in some installations.
what about metal gear solid and resident evil? they're both about lying govrnments and evil corporations. If those aren't america's number one exports than my computer will explode as soon as i finish this scentence. and one more thi *boom*
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