Until 3D TVs that do not require glasses become the norm, then there is no place for 3D gaming, I can understand Nvidia pushing forward with it for PC's as generally you are the only person watching your monitor, but with a TV its different, more often than not the console is attached to the main TV in the living room and more than one person is playing or watching at a time and having to buy glasses is a needless pain and will put off people including myself from investing in 3D TV's. Personally having seen 3D TV in action at my local Comet I do not see the fuss. I don't see how it add's anything to gaming or TV watching except as a gimmick. Plus the fact alot of people have just upgraded to LCD screens and will not be upgrading anytime soon.
@osxgp What are you on about? I have had my PC 2 years and can still run most games on high settings, granted sometimes I have to turn down the shaders, but for the most part I can play games at a level of detail above consoles. Its not like it used to be 10years ago where you had a new graphics card and processor dominating the market every few months. If you pick the right parts you can make your gaming PC last for a few years I paid £600 for mine and haven't upgraded at all. P.S. never buy a Alienware PC as they are way way overpriced you are paying for the name and because its owned by Dell they jack up the prices for no reason.
It was a bit obvious that the PC is guna look the best out of the three, PC Graphics are upgraded every month yet the 360 and PS3 have 2 year old or more Cards, they hold up but as the years go by PC will make leaps ahead, the consoles will catch up in the generation jump then PC will overtake again.
plightstar's comments