ok, well, the most annoying of my games is probably MLB '06 The Show b/c each new game takes about 40 seconds to load, plus another 30 seconds to "unload" when the game is over. This is especially annoying in online mode when there's a danger that someone will drop out after you've spent so much time waiting for the game to start. But really, is this any different than for a PS2 game? All the sports games have inordinately long load times. I imagine it takes that amount of time to load the stadium graphics, the roster info, and, I don't know, maybe the physics engine. (Yeah, I obviously don't know what I'm talking about, do I?) I think it's more noticable because you're holding the thing in your hand staring intently waiting to play. For the PS2 you click on the PIP or walk to the kitchen to get a snack. The standby mode is really great though. Especially when you start nodding off late at night and you can just stop wherever you are and pick it up later after a nap.
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