After the last gen, which i owned/still own all three of the consoles, i made the decision to go with Nintendo.
Why you may think well i put it to you simply. i started the last gen with the playstation to because looking back it was the console to have at the time because if i had gone with my heart. I probably would have had a Dreamcast because the Playstation games at the time were not all that. it wasn't till near the end of the last gen that i actually found a set of games on the PS2 that i really enjoyed, that was the .Hack series they were and will always be my benchmark for RPG's on a non hand held console.
I did sell my PS2 because i wanted an XBOX for litrally two games at the time which was Buffy and Jet Set Radio Future(Great fun multiplayer and the best for me since Mario Kart on the SNES). that probably sounds sad to people but that was a good laugh for me. but then the games like with the PS2 became very repetative,so i gradually got rid of some of the games.
At the end of it's life i was able to pick up a cheap Gamecube (thanks to my Brother), I bought Sonic Adventure 2, Mario Sunshine(Which i got bored of) Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes (A Game that deserved the graphics it got with the newer version) Pokemon Gale Of Darkness (Which was the First pokemon game my Fiance played and she is really good at it) Megaman Network Transmission (Which i thought would be as good if not better than the GBA battle network games which i found way to addictive) Super Smash Bros (Good Laugh) Super Monkey Ball (Interesting).
You May think what the heck has all the above got to do with this gen, Well i work in a store that has sold 2 of this gens consoles, and im not that impressed by that many of the games on the two HD entertainment centers that SONY and MICROSOFT have both produced, the quality in terms of graphics is not that easy especially when they are side by side on similar spec 1080p tv's and considering Sony's first party games still as yet don't do 1080p.
Now to put it to you i went to the WII for this generation for a pure and simple reason, (after waisting money on DVD accessories for two consoles last gen and the fact my Fiance has a multi region DVD player) GAMES, so what that the WII is not HD, so what that i can't play a Blu-ray movie or HDDVD on it. The Wii to me sounded impressive, even when it was under the name Revolution, motion sensing in games is a brilliant idea, and it has proved to me it has not been a bit of a gimick. Especially in some of the games i own this gen, Pirates of the Caribbean at worlds end and Harry Potter and the order of the Pheonix, beacusewith the Wiimote i found both of these more fun. Trauma Centre great fun until i passed out due to a phobia of blood so that had to go. Sonic and the sacred rings was a good laugh but they shouldn't have put in the mini game section, but otherwise that was great. Lego Stars the complete saga was the best game i got for Christmas because i couldn't put it down for to long. Resident Evil 4 wii edition, i hadn't played one of these since the PSone games and with the wii controls this game is Excellent.
The Virtual console was an excellent idea, even though some will say "it's just a rip off of XBOX live Marketplace"the majordifference alot of Gamers out there still like Retro games, myself included, Super Mario Bros is the best game i have downloaded along with sonic the hedgehog.
So what if the WII is not as powerfull as the PS3 and 360, but i think it's being succesful as it has more choice and with what is out there now besides what everyone that hates the wii, all the mini game compilations are some really excellent games by some brilliant designers. Gaming should be as much about fun as about Game play and less about what can show more lines and who has the better processor or hard drive.
So well done Nintendo for producing a good console, Thank you.
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