poisionmushroom's forum posts
I just started MPH online like a week ago, gotta say it's different, any tips or helpful in winning online? Dark-Messenger
Oh boy, that's a hard one to answer. The good thing to do is to find a hunter that you're really good with and be him all the time. You have to take advantage of there own unique ability's. Such as Trace's ability to cloak when he stands still if you have his affinity weapon equipped, (Witch is by the way the Imperialist). Or Samus's charged homing missiles. And sometimes you have to be a little under-handed. Hey! if you don't. They will. I'm only a three star rank, but i think i'm doing ok.
Oh! I almost forgot, don't be afraid to use the Alt forms. They help a lot when you don't have very much heath left and you need to make a quick escape. Plus they can be quite an offensive weapon as well. And you should make sure to get all the pickups you come across, when you're in a fire-fight, that extra time you took to find that bonus health will make all the difference against someone who did not. I'm sure there are many more ways to win, hey i found all this out by myself, just by playing. Yes it's very different. But if you do the things i stated above, you might just might, become a better player.
Hey how do you get extra stars on your wifi ranking?Daynus
Just get some Wi-Fi wins. Every win gets you points, every loss you lose points. The better the opponent, the more points you get for beating him/her. To get two stars you have to get 40 points. To get three stars you have to get 140 points. To get four stars you have to get 390 points. To get five stars I think you have to get 750 points, but i don't know for sure.
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