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poison_fury Blog

This Guy!

OK, so lately I've been really busy holding a job, going out and doing things that we all know I shouldn't. So I just wanted to update everyone and let 'em know I'm still alive. And to the guys in the Twisted Metal Union: It's been a while. But I really wish I could be the officer or leader of the union so I could post again, versus making a union to compete with them.

This guy means business, *****!

Ever Been A Little Too Excited?

I bought God of War Collection for PS3 a while ago. And I've beaten both I and II now. But recently I'm moving around a lot. I'm moving from Midtown to South Town (both subtitles given to areas of the city) and I'm in the process of getting all my things packed up and ready to go. My PS3 however is at my big sister's house. She and her husband both love BioShock and they are frantic players of God of War. So until I have room at my grandmother's house to [set up my setup] (someone better quote me on that), my PlayStation and TV are enjoying a perfectly safe vacation at their house. But I'm getting a bit too excited about one thing. God of War III. Enough said? Nope. I could go on forever but I've got things to do. Mostly involving boxes.


Business Or Pleasure?

I've been really busy lately. I live with my father now so that's a story in and of itself. I've been working my ass of so I can fix plumbing issues at this house.They're all fixed now. But in between work and school, I have a little playtime. Two or three weeks ago I bought God of War Collection for my PS3. I've had a lot of fun with these games. I played a demo of the first game a long time ago. I loved it but was too young to understand it. Then came God of War II. I was in that state of mind where I was growing, maturing and changing. I fell in love with God of War II when it first came out. I never beat it though, due to my new found addiction to Metal Gear Solid. But I bought these games on PS3. I've already beaten the first game. And now I'm working on II. Today I also revisited my roots and bought Rayman. The PSN Store has it as a PS1 Classic for $5.99. I started playing it and quickly realized how easily entertained I was when I was a kid. I still love the game. I'm just stunned at how something so simplistic can be so fun. I'm going to promise myself that I will beat this game. I also bought Burn Zombie Burn! I like this game because of it's BOXHEAD style. I can play this game for hours on end. I'm growing up now. I find myself turning away from my little nerdy gamer side of my personality. I still love games, and I know I'll always be a player. But there's so much more out there. I need a car, I want to fix up this house. I want to LIVE. Not hide in my room with a controller in my hands. I'm not saying I'm giving it up, I'm saying that I'm slowing down...

REJECTED GAMES | Issue One | Valkyrie Profile

I like doing stuff like this. I like to see how people respond to my personal opinnion. If I can get people to read my blog with this post, I'll keep posting my REJECTED GAMES posts. This is when I point out a game that was actually a really incredible game, but a game that was never very popular or did very well.


Valkyrie Profile was an RPG released byEnix (now known asSquare Enix)in 2000. It's gameplay was very story driven in the way that you could gain useable characters by exploring the world, but you weren't required to. The story goes that Ragnarok (the end of the world)is nearing and the player (Valkyrie) needed to collect souls (characters) and train them to battle along with Lord Odin (the game's God) against the forces of the dark. The game does not go on forever. There is a set amount of time you have to collect and train the souls. I found it to be a beautiful game that had more heart in it than people thought. There were limited presses of this game on the PS1 so it is a sought after collector's item.

ADD ME ON PSN : poison_fury

I Feel Lonely...

I haven't added any friends yet, noone has added me, my inbox is empty, and I'm starting to feel like Fred. I need friends...


I have an alternate GameSpot account but I no longer use it. My name is Jesse James. I have a last name too but it's a bad idea to post it online. I own a PS3 and PSP and I have been a PlayStation fan since I was a baby. I was born August 19, 1994. I'm actually only 15 years old. My favorite games are the Metal Gear Solid series. I've always been a fan and always will be. I love DMC and Twisted Metal. Actually, the original Twisted Metal was the first game I've ever played. If you want to add me on PSN my online name is, like my GameSpot name, "poison_fury". Feel free to give mee your feedback on all of my posts. I will not join any unions. Happy Holidays!